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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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common "clicking" problem with skates?

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possible problem that i could use explaination...my skates sometimes click when i am walking on them (i.e. not on the ice) is this a normal problem? the skates are still new, about 2 months old, and the holders and blades or both firm, i.e not loose at all. btw they are synergies. is this normal?

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I have a similar problem with my Cobra's, and it just started happening after I replaced the blades.

It seems that after 2-3 hard skates, the rear screw continuously loosens. I retighten them everytime, but I was advised to not tighten them too much. Is there anything I can do, or is it permanent?? (Lock-tite?)

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I have a similar problem with my Cobra's, and it just started happening after I replaced the blades.

It seems that after 2-3 hard skates, the rear screw continuously loosens. I retighten them everytime, but I was advised to not tighten them too much. Is there anything I can do, or is it permanent?? (Lock-tite?)

I had to tighten mine before every skate and somethimes during games. Some blue loc-tite may help but just get used to it.

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Tuuk Custom + holders are a pain in the ass, if the holes are not drilled perfectly then you have to remove all the rivits. They really dropped the ball when making that holder.

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Tuuk Custom + holders are a pain in the ass, if the holes are not drilled perfectly then you have to remove all the rivits. They really dropped the ball when making that holder.

Or the shops that did a retrofit did a half assed job.

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CCM and Tuuk use a 8mm socket. For Tuuks, if the hole is not lined up with the nut, just get a drill with a big bit and enlarge the hole. Usually, you only have to do this with the front hole. Tuuks suck. I hate doing simple repairs or tighening jobs on them. Lightspeeds are easy, the allen wrench (supplied in the skate box when purchased) is easy to insret into the rear hole.

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I use to hate LS work. However, now I use a trick and it makes changing them a breeze. I use a dab of hot glue on the tip of the allen wrench right as I insert the wrench. After the nuts is undone, it pulls straight out and does not fall off. Putting the nut back on becomes easier as you can insert it straight down on the bolt and not worry about it falling off. Even when the bolt moves around, it makes putting it on so easy.

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