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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just got the SyNergy SL

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You will regret it when the sticks don't come out until september in typical easton fashion

With No NHL chances are they will be Early for the first time.

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At south windsor arena (hockey1.com, the guys who take out adds all the time in american hockey mag...) they are selling standard syn's for 100, grips 110, si-core 120, SCG 130. I think they're trying to get rid of the sticks before everyone realizes that better sh*t is coming out. :P

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Is anyone finding the SL Grip's Red Paint chipping as badly as the blue on the SL???

Two of my friends got warranty replacement SL Grips for their broken Si-Core Grips, and the paint isn't chipping much at all, if any...so I'd say no.

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^^^ thats probably because of the grip coating (i know its not fully gripped but theres some down there) acting sort of like a sealer.

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hah, reminds me of the OLD easton aluminums when they changed to the classic sort of paint that shanny used for so long.

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Gee, thanks for telling us about the crime you're planning to commit... It's people like you why Stealths are $200. :angry:

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I'm gonna go buy a si-core at dicks for $99 then break it "accidentally" then send it in for an SL. I'll tell you how it goes.

You realize a member from here works for easton, and you'd get so busted? Dumb Criminals these days :lol:

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I'm gonna go buy a si-core at dicks for $99 then break it "accidentally" then send it in for an SL. I'll tell you how it goes.

For those like Wheel of Fortune


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I'm gonna go buy a si-core at dicks for $99 then break it "accidentally" then send it in for an SL. I'll tell you how it goes.

For those like Wheel of Fortune


Ok, now I have to clean up the computer and the display case. I should know better than to read some of your posts while drinking.

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