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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just got the SyNergy SL

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If you look closely at the shaft shape of the Regular Synergy (Si-Core, Synthesis, ect..) and then at the SL, you'll notice the SL has an ever-so-slight contour as opposed to the more rectangular edge of the original Synergy. It is really lame of Easton Corporate to totally ignore the fact that the Stealth and SL are different handle sizes and just think the consumer-sheep-public wouldn't notice.

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And for the Weight Freaks (myself included) my retail Forsberg Grip SL out-of-the-wrapper, with full butt-end weighed 445.45 grams

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And for the Weight Freaks (myself included) my retail Forsberg Grip SL out-of-the-wrapper, with full butt-end weighed 445.45 grams

That's not quite accurate, because they measure without the end plug and cut down a bit. Not sure how much exactly, but I was pretty sure they always weight them cut down like 2-3".

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I mentioned this before, and I just want to mention it again, if anyone is thinking of buying the GRIP SL if you can try it first with gloves on. A few times I went to throw a pass and the stick literally stuck to my glove causing me to douple-pump and mess up a few passes. Maybe I am just used to my Grip Synthesis which is nice and broken in, but the GRIP on the SL is like glue. With regular nash palm gloves on I can barely run the glove up and down the shaft without some serious resistance. I think I see EBAY in this sticks future . . . :D

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That's brutal, I had thought of trying one out but I have digitech palms so that's a no-go.

Tell me about it. I love my regular SL so I was psyched to get the Grip version and the second I picked it up with gloves on in the locker room I was like somethings not right. And then in warm-ups I was trying to move my hands up and down the shaft and I thought I was going to hear a squeaking sound, like a squeegie on clean glass. Needless to say I had a terrible game trying to adjust and I am not sure I am going to give the stick another chance....

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Don't choke the stick. Problem solved.

Dude, trust me, I don't choke sticks. I've used Mission Grip, Inno soft grip, Bauer Stick-Um, and All of the Easton Grips, and I've never experienced this before. Have you even tried the SL Grip Chippa??

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Yup, with no problems at all. Just like I had no problems with my Bubble Grip, Synthesis Grip, Louisville Rubber, Rubber Response, et al.

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would the new eagle x70 gloves qualify as one of the quality palms you speak of Cavs, hence i dont / shouldnt use a grip sl?

If they don't have some kind of tackified palm you should have no trouble using a grip stick.

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i think hes talking about the stay fresh/goat skin palms(those might be the same thing.) i have the new X-70 with nash palm and i have no trouble using my z-bubble grip.

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I just took a close inventory of my SL Grip next to my Easton Yellow Grip, and I distinctly remember my Vapor XX's and Stealth Grip and I've come to the conclusion that since my SL Grip is a warranty replacement, that they f'd up this stick. Barehanded I can run my hand down the yellow grip easily, but when I do it to the SL Grip my hand skips down the shaft is sharp chops. Someone obviously was new on the job, or got Grip-Happy and QC sent this puppy to the Warranty Replacement inventory lot.

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I just took a close inventory of my SL Grip next to my Easton Yellow Grip, and I distinctly remember my Vapor XX's and Stealth Grip and I've come to the conclusion that since my SL Grip is a warranty replacement, that they f'd up this stick. Barehanded I can run my hand down the yellow grip easily, but when I do it to the SL Grip my hand skips down the shaft is sharp chops. Someone obviously was new on the job, or got Grip-Happy and QC sent this puppy to the Warranty Replacement inventory lot.

Just deal with it, the stick's not perfect. aren't there ways to de-grip a stick? I seem to remember someone saying talcum powder...

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Modo9, I think that's just Easton's new grip for this year. Maybe your Stealth Grip was more lightly coated, but all of the SL Grip's I've seen were very grippy just like you say yours is.

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modo if you hate easton so much stay away fromt heir sticks. ive used my teammates grip SL a lot and it is real nice. i have a regular SL, so chippe dit looks ST, and couldnt be happier. lightest twig ive ever owned.

btw our team all has the grey palm on the hgts

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modo if you hate easton so much stay away fromt heir sticks. ive used my teammates grip SL a lot and it is real nice. i have a regular SL, so chippe dit looks ST, and couldnt be happier. lightest twig ive ever owned.

btw our team all has the grey palm on the hgts

Dude, learn reading comprehension. I never said I hate Easton. Never. If you learned to comprehend what you read, you'd notice I mentioned I own a synthesis grip, and I owned a Stealth, and I own both a grip and non-grip SL. How the hell would that translate in your brain to me hating Easton???

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Because you bitch about them a lot. A LOT. Granted it may not be fair to "comprehend" into you hating Easton exclusively because you bitch about practically everything.

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