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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kids are smart

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Holy cripes that was brutal. It's one of the funniest things i've ever seen but he didn't deserve that. Karma should have kicked him in the balls or something but I can't even imagine all of the surgery that he must have had. It must have been insanely expensive too.

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That's terrible, I can barely watch that. What was he trying to do anyways...I know "headslap", but is that just head butting the kids wheel?

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I read it afterwards (there's a big piece underneath by the filmer) he was trying to slap the kid and somehow he lost his balance and fell into the parked car (which would explain why the driver wasn't able to stop or swerve).

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I almost died the first time I watched that. Too damn funny.

I really don't feel bad for the kid; I know kids like that, that drive around almost aimlessly just looking to cause trouble, and I really kind of wish something like that would happen to them. Something like that will teach you a lesson quick, fast and in a hurry.

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I really don't feel bad for the kid; I know kids like that, that drive around almost aimlessly just looking to cause trouble, and I really kind of wish something like that would happen to them. Something like that will teach you a lesson quick, fast and in a hurry.

I totally agree

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I really don't feel bad for the kid; I know kids like that, that drive around almost aimlessly just looking to cause trouble, and I really kind of wish something like that would happen to them. Something like that will teach you a lesson quick, fast and in a hurry.

You deserve props. B)

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