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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Pants on Ebay

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They were stolen. Probably by a rep. I've been told reps have to be watched, closely!

If they were stolen, someone should report the auction to ebay.

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Please do not make assumptions.

There are plenty of honest reps out there, and it is unfair to slander the entire lot.

Plus they aren't hard to get if you have the right connections. I was offered a pair but they were too small.

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I'm NOT slandering honest reps, just repeating what my rep told me abought tight reins put on him because of problems with other reps.

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Here's another thing I've learned: Don't repeat everything a rep tells you, especially when you're on a message board. Trust me, this is for your own good...we have a lot of industry people who read this board and they WILL figure out who your rep is...then it'll come back to you...it has happened before...

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What happened to that rep or is that confidential?

rumour has it he was exiled to tunisia and forced to sell soap for a living :ph34r:

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