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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Alternative to Graf Skates

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I've been skating in Grafs for a number of years, but have recently become concerned with quality control issues - particularly with the G-series. What other skates come closest to Graf in terms of the narrow heel and aggressive forward lean? That is, I'm looking for alternatives to Graf that maintain many of the same features as a Graf.

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I'm sure some of the Mods will get to this - but I'll throw my two cents in as well.

I would recommend the Mission S Series - They are a lower-cut, more aggressive (forward leaning) skate than most.

I can't commant on the heels as I have not skated in GRAF's recently however.

The Mod's will set me straight if I'm off base.

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That would be my call as ell. Some people like the Rebellion skates but I think they're way overpriced for the quality.

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Dude, you should hook up with some of those KOR skates that Chadd was talking about on the MSH Vegas Invasion Recap thread.

Any pics of the easton LV glove.

Are the kor skates any different than what is on their website?

The ones currently on their website are the ones I was wearing.

Kor Hockey

Look like interesting alternatives to the Synnergy skate.

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Have none of you guys ever seen the Kor skates before..? United has had them for about 2 months (if my memory serves me right) so it seems weird that people like you guys wouldn't know about them..

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I don't know what United is (perhaps a Canadian distrubutor), but even if I did, I'm not sure I'd know that much about the product after just 2 months (it's not like skates break every few weeks, like a stick might, and due to the price tag, it's not like you'd whimsically buy an extra to try out just for $hits and giggles).

BUT.... that's just me ;) .

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Have none of you guys ever seen the Kor skates before..? United has had them for about 2 months (if my memory serves me right) so it seems weird that people like you guys wouldn't know about them..

Funny they said they just made the last revision to the prototypes in December.

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Well, I really do remember them having a poster board type thing, and it had a picture of a guy skating and it said something like "revolution of skating" or a catch phrase thing like that. From what I can remember they were very low cut, looked pretty comfy but when I picked it up it was not on par with the lighter skates out there. I really can't remember how long they have had them for, but they definetely haven't only had them for a week or two. There are also lots of guys in the AJHL who use them, 4 guys on one team.

EDIT: I just looked at their site, I remember them being equiped with TUUK + holders, but now they have pitch, and on the tenon guard there is a little plasticy thing, but the one that I had held didn't have that, could those be the revisions..?

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Have none of you guys ever seen the Kor skates before..? United has had them for about 2 months (if my memory serves me right) so it seems weird that people like you guys wouldn't know about them..

Funny they said they just made the last revision to the prototypes in December.

I saw an entire display for Kor skates at Professional Skate Service in Calgary back in late August.

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Have none of you guys ever seen the Kor skates before..? United has had them for about 2 months (if my memory serves me right) so it seems weird that people like you guys wouldn't know about them..

Funny they said they just made the last revision to the prototypes in December.

I saw an entire display for Kor skates at Professional Skate Service in Calgary back in late August.

We're getting a dislplay too, we still won't have them for sale for a while.

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the missions might be a similar fit, but i don't think they're much more durable than grafs. my brother is on his second pair of the s400's for this year, playing bantam AAA, and a kid on my team went through his s400's within a couple months and is in graf 625's now.

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