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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Was wondering, how many of you wear inline girdles when playing in your league?

I recently began playing (about a year ago) and have played mostly outdoor pickup but when playing indoors I wear my Mission D3 girdle.

It gets on my nerves sometimes as its sort of uncomfortable compared to Ice Hockey Pants....

Do any of you find it necessary to even wear?

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i prefer a girdle cuz it fits tight and moves with my legs and wear one for both inline and for ice. for inline, i actually take a lot of the removable pads out cuz in my mind i can move faster without it. ionly keep the thighs, tailbones, and one that go over the pelvic crest, in the girdle. oh. and the jock.

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I wear a mission d-2 girdle for inline, I wasn't aware they made a d-3. If it is less comfortable than ice pants, you may have the wrong size. Mine fits me fine, is perfectly comfortable and I definately have more mobility that when I where ice pants.

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I finally just started wearing my D1 girdle I got a while back. It felt a bit strange at first but now I am getting used to it.

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Most of the guys I used to play with never wore any pads then they used to complain when I hit them with a shot.

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I wear a mission d-2 girdle for inline, I wasn't aware they made a d-3.

Sorry, I believe its the D1??? Whatever the top of the line Mission girdle is.

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I can't get used to wearing a girdle, really all I wear is elbows, shins, gloves, and a helmet. Though I used to wear my tour upper body thing till it was jacked. Does the d-1 girdle compare at all to the old wrap mission girdle?

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I only wear a cup when I feel I need it. If I don't think about it, I feel that's a good sign, if I think about my cup at all before a game I bring it. I forget to put it on half the time I bring it anyway.

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I wear under armour sliding shorts made for baseball/softball:comes with cup supporter and pads over outside of thighs only, but does not limit mobility

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I made the switch from pants to a girdle this year (inline) and I'm never going back. I feel less restriction, and the ventilation is way better than with pants. There isn't quite as much protection - when I fall, I feel it more but it still saves me from bruises.

As an added bonus, you can change what you wear over them (shell, shorts, camo fatigues) and mix up the style factor.

Just my $.02

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I play in a non-contact inline league and only wear shin pads, gloves, and helmet. I've played without a jock since I started and told myself If i ever get hit there that maybe it's my time to quit. The hockey gods have looked after me though. :rolleyes:

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I can't get used to wearing a girdle, really all I wear is elbows, shins, gloves, and a helmet. Though I used to wear my tour upper body thing till it was jacked. Does the d-1 girdle compare at all to the old wrap mission girdle?

I never wore the wrap-girdle but I can tell you the D1 is wery nice. It's really light and the mobility is excellent.

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i don't wear a girdle in my league, although i should after i took an absolute seed right to my thigh about 6 months ago. The damn thing still hurts. Anyway 2 of my friends wear Gear girdles. you can get them for like $20. both of them swear by them too. they're surprisingly well-padded for the price. the blue ones are 20, and have excellent padding. the red ones, or "big daddy"

model, are ludicrously big. one of my friends has the diesel red ones and he said they're comfy and not too restrictive. i think the "big daddys" can be had for $30

edit: haha just remembered i have a pic of that shot i took to the leg. THIS is the reason i wear a cup, another few inches and i'd be playin in the ladies league.


ps-pardon my sexy legs, and yes i was wearing pants in the photo

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I wear the force breakaway girdle I find it's very light weight and unrestrictive unlike the Mission D1's yet it offers the same level of protection http://www.forcesports.com/girdle_content....L=bagirdle.html

As for pants I wear mission D2 pants

I wear the force girdle as well; lightweight and non-restrictive like ya mentioned!

I had a pair of mission girdle... just wasn't as comfortable as the force breakaway girdle.

also i wear a pair of syven pants

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I'm thinking of taking some of the extra pads out on my girdle.

And yeah, it's the D1 *embarassed*

Ah that may explain it, The only difference I know of betweeen the d-1 and d-2 is a little more padding plastic inserts. The d-2 is just right for me , removing some of the additional padding may help your situation.

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I probably wear the most padded girdle out of everyone. :lol: For years I used the old Cooper MBP8 (now Bauer makes a version of it). Great girdle, then I switched to the CCM Tacks girdle (and I WILL be switching back to Bauer when it's time to shop for a new one.) Both are VERY padded compared to roller hockey girdles. I don't feel restricted nor do I feel it's overkill for roller hockey. I just feel more protected and that's one less thing to worry about while playing.

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As a compromise, some wear the Lycra ice hockey girdles like the CCM Tacks or Bauer, but take out the hard padding and just use the foam covers for protection..not as good of course, but very light and unrestrictive. We have used the Tackla girdles like this(or Coopers) for years...then if you want to go back to ice..simply put the hard pads back in.

Actually my son hasn't worn one for years...but that's how he used to wear it lol. I think he's taking that "macho" bit a little too far.

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I stopped wearing girdle when i started playing in like 12 U. I play in 17 U now. Nobody in ST. Louis wears them now. Not even the little kids. I only wear the necessary equipment. I find that girdles are just to restrictive.

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Wow, it must be a teenager thing. In the adult leagues here in St. Louie, almost everyone wears girdles. Can't take any chances when I gotta wake up to go make a living the next morning...

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Wow, it must be a teenager thing. In the adult leagues here in St. Louie, almost everyone wears girdles. Can't take any chances when I gotta wake up to go make a living the next morning...

well...you are playing in "senior" leagues now, you know... :lol:

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Shhhh, someone from the rink might be reading this and realize that I'm not quite "senior" age yet.....thankfully I look well ripened beyond my real age. :P It'll be real funny in September when I turn 28 for the second time....hopefully they won't erase my record breaking statistics for that stunt. ;)

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