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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Here it is, might be easy but I thought we could see how many still use them.

So far I've got






I think Reichel


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I don't know how I forgot Perrault, although he's been out of the line up. Yeah he does use a really heavy wood stick. It helps him with the draws and apparently it works. Yeah Naslund uses a wood painted like a quest I think.

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Sourey used one in the All-Star game. Notice how all the guys with the hardest shots (Modin, Sourey, MacInnis, Ifrate(sp, and when he was around)) all use wooden sticks?

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Sourey used one in the All-Star game. Notice how all the guys with the hardest shots (Modin, Sourey, MacInnis, Ifrate(sp, and when he was around)) all use wooden sticks?

Souray used the Response Rubber

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Guest 2048
Sourey used one in the All-Star game. Notice how all the guys with the hardest shots (Modin, Sourey, MacInnis, Ifrate(sp, and when he was around)) all use wooden sticks?

The problem with saying that is that you never saw their shots clocked with comps and then with woods, so you can't exactly say they shot harder bc of the wood sticks. Souray used a rubber response and got 102.2, same as Aucoin.

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Sourey used one in the All-Star game. Notice how all the guys with the hardest shots (Modin, Sourey, MacInnis, Ifrate(sp, and when he was around)) all use wooden sticks?

I'm almost positive that MacInnis uses a Sher-Wood Eclipse now, and he still has one of the fastest shots.

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Sourey used one in the All-Star game. Notice how all the guys with the hardest shots (Modin, Sourey, MacInnis, Ifrate(sp, and when he was around)) all use wooden sticks?

I'm almost positive that MacInnis uses a Sher-Wood Eclipse now, and he still has one of the fastest shots.

He's using ETS or old style woodies painted like ETS.

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