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GOOD players

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have yu ever wondered why some players are GOOD? like what makes these people "good"? is it something they eat? is it because they can score like none other? What enables them to score profusely? is it because they can skate really well? What makes a certain player "good"?

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why does ur def of good seem to be based on scoring. pleanty of players are "good" and dont score many goals at all, they are play makers. and some of the goal scorers with out playmakers souldnt be that good at all.

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yea your right...i just read it from your perspective and it really does seem like scoring is my definition of good.....no my bad....what i was tryin to say is......what is "good".....what are other people's definitions of good.....i was just trying to give examples

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My definition would be a player who has something the average player at that level isn't able to contribute, but they still have the basic abilities the other players posses. Whether its ice vision, goal scoring, speed, power, toughness, or heart. They are able to stand-out and give the others players confidence that they are going to be able to count on them for something more than they would originally expect.

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Interesting concept but I think "good" is way way too subjective to narrow down, and even then there are too many factors to consider in a player's developement.

Other than individual talent, body type, perosnality type, intelligence, athletic ability, and love of the game, etc. etc. etc. etc................

all we can do is hope that players learn proper basics and get good coaching in a postive environment and let training and genetics do the rest.

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Put it this way...

When you are watching a hockey game and you see someone do something on the ice that all the players around him/her are not doing because they are either one step behind that player or don't have the hockey sense that that player has... then you know the player is "good."

If you are a scout or a high level hockey player you will know what I am talking about.

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didnt wanna seem like i was shoting you down man but i would have to say a good player is the guy on the ice who always seems to have the extra level of play when it is needed. they have the knack to get where they need to be and just a good solid player all together

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I think what makes a player good is that they have better hockey sense, and their mind works at a higher speed. The faster you can think on your feet the faster you'll be on the puck.

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Biff44, i liked those articles. I am one of the smallest defense men on my team but i am the best and all my coach thinks about is big. He thinks that just because the other guys are big they are better. I would like to show him that article.

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Biff44, i liked those articles. I am one of the smallest defense men on my team but i am the best and all my coach thinks about is big. He thinks that just because the other guys are big they are better. I would like to show him that article.

Same here :angry:

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You guys got great point...

Another point though, is the capacity of your hands to follow your skating stride...

There are lot of players that got great wheels, but how many of them can control the puck extremely well while skating at full or low speed or while pivoting and turning?

I was talking to a Junior AAA scout one month ago and he told me that 1/5000 player are great stickhandler.

Another point is there's bunch of players that can skate fast but how many can skate smooth and classy, how many can turn on a dime, how many can skate with an efficiency stride???

e.g. : Fata and Fedorov

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You guys got great point...

Another point though, is the capacity of your hands to follow your skating stride...

There are lot of players that got great wheels, but how many of them can control the puck extremely well while skating at full or low speed or while pivoting and turning?

I was talking to a Junior AAA scout one month ago and he told me that 1/5000 player are great stickhandler.

Another point is there's bunch of players that can skate fast but how many can skate smooth and classy, how many can turn on a dime, how many can skate with an efficiency stride???

e.g. : Fata and Fedorov

If a guy has lots of speed and awesome sticklandling he should be able to blow by and deke the whole opposing team, I don't think any player is that perfect.

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You guys got great point...

Another point though, is the capacity of your hands to follow your skating stride...

There are lot of players that got great wheels, but how many of them can control the puck extremely well while skating at full or low speed or while pivoting and turning?

I was talking to a Junior AAA scout one month ago and he told me that 1/5000 player are great stickhandler.

Another point is there's bunch of players that can skate fast but how many can skate smooth and classy, how many can turn on a dime, how many can skate with an efficiency stride???

e.g. : Fata and Fedorov

If a guy has lots of speed and awesome sticklandling he should be able to blow by and deke the whole opposing team, I don't think any player is that perfect.

Yeah, I understand your point, I was trying to touch point that makes difference between a good player and a great player.

But I say there is at least 10-20 players in the NHL who are pretty much that perfect.

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every team in the show has one really good, marquee player, too many to list but its true. i have a beef and think the nhl should contract and the hockey would be way better, boo for clutch and grab

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