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AHL All Star game on ESPN 2

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The AHL All star game is on ESPN2 for anybody in the US that wants to watch it. This is exciting, finally some hockey on national television down here in the US!

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That's why I love being a hockey player. 99% of guys are almost embarrassed to get an mvp at an all-star game. most other sports a guy would be flipping out like he just won a league championship.

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Jeeeesus Perrin's goal was so nice, I just saw it on highlights since I watched the 2nd and 3rd only. Plekanec's move was ridiculous too, how he got it shelf I don't know.

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Damn Berry Melrose for giving me false optimism about the lockout.

Good game though. It might be me, but it seemed like no one tried at all. You expect this from an All Star game, but not at this level.

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I think he was implying that because they aren't at the top level they should still be giving 110% to impress. I think the leagues are so heavily scouted a good all-star performance won't matter regardless.

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drafted and playing are differen't worlds. It's time for them to excel so they can get a better look in the show. But again I'm putting words into Kosy's mouth.

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They seemed to try while breaking the puck out of their zone, but if they couldn't get the step it seemed everyone was just looking for drop passes or cut across the top of the circles.

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drafted and playing are differen't worlds. It's time for them to excel so they can get a better look in the show. But again I'm putting words into Kosy's mouth.

Almost every guy there would get at the least 20 or so games in the show this year. Its the all stars of the development league.

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Eazy is on the right track. With the NHL lockout and whatnot, this was the perfect stage for all of these guys, young and old, to impress us fans. It was also the perfect opportunity for the younger guys who would be in the NHL if there were a season to show us why they belong there. There were some nice plays, like Perrin's goal, but besides that and a few other specific plays, not one player stuck out as great to me. If I was one of the fringe guys, great AHLer but having a hard time cracking a NHL lineup, I'd bust my ass out there to impress everyone I could. I didn't think we saw any of this. I was really looking forward to watching a lot of those guys who I only get to hear about and never watch, namely Wellwood and Kronwall, and frankly I was disappointed.

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Nice to hear the name Simon Gamache...Whom stats I remember by heart. 184pts in the Q along with 57 points that playoffs 3 years ago, I believe. I don't know how promising of a future he has with Atlanta, but its nice to see his name.

Dude, not that this is gonna burst your bubble, or amount to anything different, but Gamache is in the Nashville system now. Traded with Kirill Safronov last year in a deal for Ben Simon and Tomas Kloucek. He's currently playing for the Milwaukee Admirals of the AHL and is one of the teams points/goals leaders. He may be smallish, but he's quick and plays with a lot of heart.

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Not sure why you guys are hammering the AHL all stars on their effort. I thought it was a pretty entertainin game. Remember, with no NHL games this season that AHL games are swarming with scouts and the regular season games are the ones that count when putting their best foot forward anyway. Everyone understands that this was an all star game and hitting is taboo. I thought the intensity even picked up after the first period as soon as the Planet/USA team started to make a game of it.

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