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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Valentines day

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I'm 21 and never had a gf during valentines day, christmas or my birthday, so no presents :(.

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I've come to realize that v-day is not about me but about her and I'm cool with that. We did our stuff on sunday since we're both busy on mondays. the tradition is I cook her dinner and make dessert, she of course gets flowers and some Belgian chocolates. It turns out pretty good. Since it was sunday I also cooked her breakfast and we went out to a movie, In Good COmpany in case you were wondering. Good day all in all.

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Spent the weekend in Ottawa. We skated on the Canal, ate at a couple of nice restaurants, saw the tourist attractions....

Dropped a stick off to Tyler - one of the Inno 1100 pro sticks from London's Source for Sports.

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I have been hinting towards this girl for a little while that I liked her but recently they way she was acting led me to believe that she felt the same way about me. The day before Valentines Day I picked up some roses(not red), chocolate and a card. So that morining I was going to put it away in a teachers classroom, I saw her in the hall way and decided right then and there to give it to her. She was extremely shocked and didnt belive that they were for her. She was so speechless that she hugged and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. Overall my Valentines Day went well.

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I have been hinting towards this girl for a little while that I liked her but recently they way she was acting led me to believe that she felt the same way about me. The day before Valentines Day I picked up some roses(not red), chocolate and a card. So that morining I was going to put it away in a teachers classroom, I saw her in the hall way and decided right then and there to give it to her. She was extremely shocked and didnt belive that they were for her. She was so speechless that she hugged and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. Overall my Valentines Day went well.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how cute!

Cavs, it's ALL about the steak...

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I gave her the 2 movies she wanted (Before Sunrise & Before Sunset), some chocolates and a bottle of wine...

She got me the Heritage Classic McFarlanes (Jose Theodore/Jason Smith set), some chocolates and Simpsons boxers...

We actually didn't see each other yesterday..we did our Valentines this weekend.

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That's alright fellas, there's always March 14th...

:unsure: March 14th? You don't mean the 17th do you? That's a day I can get into.

17th is my anniversary, I had to pick a day I could remember. B)

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That's alright fellas, there's always March 14th...

:unsure: March 14th? You don't mean the 17th do you? That's a day I can get into.

17th is my anniversary, I had to pick a day I could remember. B)

Nice now you definitely have an excuse to get p!ssed, wait but you're probably not allowed to hang out with the boys drinking green beer though, did you really think this through ;) Just kidding, how many years come march?

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too many

beers or years ;)

I've got my anniversary engraved on my ring so I don't have an excuse aside from math errors and what not.

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too many

beers or years ;)

I've got my anniversary engraved on my ring so I don't have an excuse aside from math errors and what not.

We were together for a few years before we got married. As far as I can tell, next month is four with the matching jewelry.

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you kind of get screwed you got v-day then the anniversary. I got v-day then then her b-day so I can sympathize. congrats on the 4 I saw some pink eagles at eastwest hockey that would make a great gift :D

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Got: Ferraro Roche's

Gave: Bakes a Cake

Were going away Friday (No Eazy for a 10 days) so we kept it subtle. Had a Mid-term and got an essay back, coached as well. Not a good night.

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you kind of get screwed you got v-day then the anniversary. I got v-day then then her b-day so I can sympathize. congrats on the 4 I saw some pink eagles at eastwest hockey that would make a great gift :D

You're kidding right? I enjoy hockey, why would I want her to play? I refuse to teach her to play golf for the same reason.

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you kind of get screwed you got v-day then the anniversary.  I got v-day then then her b-day so I can sympathize.  congrats on the 4  I saw some pink eagles at eastwest hockey that would make a great gift :D

You're kidding right? I enjoy hockey, why would I want her to play? I refuse to teach her to play golf for the same reason.

Hahaha thats how its done!


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...Yesterday I went from school to the rink (practice; today I'll be going back in a few minutes) and back to the school (baseball practice with a little time in the weight room afterwards...). Obviously, I didn't have much time for anything, so the "interest" and I just kinda hung around Sunday before my game that night - I have her enough chocolate to last her until NEXT Valentine's Day and a huge stuffed bear. I got a nice 3-1 win...

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you kind of get screwed you got v-day then the anniversary.  I got v-day then then her b-day so I can sympathize.  congrats on the 4  I saw some pink eagles at eastwest hockey that would make a great gift :D

You're kidding right? I enjoy hockey, why would I want her to play? I refuse to teach her to play golf for the same reason.

That's true she may find out how much all this stuff costs and put and end to it or worse want to tag along on the links, no more stoogies for you. I see now thanks. B)

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