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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wood blades

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Hey everyone, just had a few questions...

1) In alot of threads I see people reccomending a shaft / wood blade combo. Why the wood blade? Is it because price, durability, feel, performance over composites?

2) I am currently using an Easton Cyclone, with an UltraGraphite Blade that came with the stick as a deal at Sportchek. It's been almost two months, its holding up pretty well but I'd like to a) try out a wood blade with it, and B) try a different curve, preferably one that isn't as open as the Lidstrom ... maybe an iginla or somthing.

Are there any wood blades you could reccomend?

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Well to answer your first question.....most people use wood because of its feel. Other than that I dont see any other advantages. If you have been using composite for your whole life, you probably wont notice much of a difference.

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This was my first composite blade, and shaft. Prior to this I've been using wood sticks. I think I might go back to woods afterwards before I get caught up in a buying craze that it seems most OPS owners adapt to.

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Why the wood blade? Is it because price, durability, feel, performance over composites?

Price is definately a good selling point. Durability isnt that hot (at least with the old Easton wood blades I used) They tend to lose their stiffness fairly quickly. Feel is probbly the only reason I'd use wood blade. Performance wise a Composite would be better. If you are gonna try a wood blade maybe try out an easton hybrid blade, as it is very light, cheap, and would probbly give you better durabilty.

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I always suggest wood blades. The feeel of a wood blade is just so much better than with a composite blade. That said, I often use composite blades as it's cheaper than constantly replacing wood blades.

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With wood blades, price is about 2 1/2 times cheaper (better)... durability is (for the most part) not nearly as good as composite... feel is infinitely better... and performance depends on the individual player. For some, wood will perform better because they don't have the hands to use a composite blade (stickhandling and catching passes especially suffer) but composite will be better for others (harder, quicker shots). Each player needs to figure out what parts of their game are more important... think about how often you handle the puck, if passing is a big part of your game, how many (and what kind of) shots you take...........

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What I usually do is buy various cheap wooden blades to find a pattern I like, and once I find a pattern I like I buy a composite blade with the same pattern.

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Picked up an Easton Hybrid blade from my LHS for a good price. It was in an Yzerman curve cause I wanted to try a more closed blade compared to the Lidstrom. On a side note, the Easton Z-Carbon 70 flex wood sticks felt real nice, more bendable than my current cyclone. I'm thinking about picking one up after my stick eventually dies on me.

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Picked up an Easton Hybrid blade from my LHS for a good price. It was in an Yzerman curve cause I wanted to try a more closed blade compared to the Lidstrom. On a side note, the Easton Z-Carbon 70 flex wood sticks felt real nice, more bendable than my current cyclone. I'm thinking about picking one up after my stick eventually dies on me.

I liked the z-carbon wood sticks before they changed them.

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I have an '03 Z-Carbon 95 stick and I love it. For blades, I'd just go with the Easton Hybrid. I don't like using composite blades not just because of the feel, but of the weight. Most of my shafts have butt ends in them so it feels very lop-sided when you use a composite blade.

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I also use a cyclone. The only kind of blade i use for it is a wood blade. The feel is just so much better. I think it helps my shot a bit to, because the wood flexes a bit. I would recommend a tps glacier blade. I think they make the cyclone perfectly balanced.

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If you have the brown (colour change) cyclone and ultra graphite blade from the sport chek promo, i think you'll be happier with a regular wood blade. The cyclone shaft is pretty light, and it was blade heavy like a beast. I picked it up and it was horrible, the most unbalanced stick i'd held.

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if i were you, i'd look for some TPS prostock blades (the ones that say XX on the back), they're pretty light for a wood blade and they're pretty stiff, to start with at least. as for pattern, i have a tkachuk, but since most wood blades are a little bit different, i think mine is a bit more open and curved than the rest of them, but go ahead an see if you can find a curve you like.

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Take a look at an Easton Hybrid. It is really light, and it holds up really well, friend has been using one for outdoor for close to a year and its still going strong!

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If you have the brown (colour change) cyclone and ultra graphite blade from the sport chek promo, i think you'll be happier with a regular wood blade. The cyclone shaft is pretty light, and it was blade heavy like a beast. I picked it up and it was horrible, the most unbalanced stick i'd held.

Yep. That's the one I have. Very good deal though. What blade did you replace it with. Oh ya and also, when you bought it, did it come with different blade patterns? It seemed the only ones there were Lidstroms.

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