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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Respect for the D guy

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I dont know why but everybody seems to think that it's more 'hip' to be attacker then D ! :rolleyes:

Just like if no D could become a star...unless a few exception !

And it's general : at every level, every age ... even in chicks teams.

Something is making this worse in my case : I play roller hockey, so no-check policy. Therefore we dont even have the respect an ice-D gets from big hits.

It's so frustrating !!!

I began to come over it by working on my scoring abilities : I found out that a powerfull 20' feet wrister will often surprise the goalie : very accurate and no warning preparation time.

Right now I score at least one per game B)

Revenge for all the D's

Now I have 2 questions :

- Do you also feel the lack of respect for the D skills ?

- Do you score much as D ? how ?

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On the ice, there is a huge difference in shooting from the blue line and shooting at the top of the faceoff circle. Don't know if it is the tigher accuracy required, or the extra time the goalie has to see the puck, or more time for a Dman to get into the way, but if you are out on that D line it is really hard to put it into the net!

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On the ice, there is a huge difference in shooting from the blue line and shooting at the top of the faceoff circle. Don't know if it is the tigher accuracy required, or the extra time the goalie has to see the puck, or more time for a Dman to get into the way, but if you are out on that D line it is really hard to put it into the net!

Yeah unless you get a tip or a deflection off of something, the goalie is going to stop it. My best chances for points have been giving our O some juicy rebounds after shots from the point. Of course if you have a cannon, which I do not, you can tickle you own twine, but for right now I need some help ;)

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to answer the original question, there are lets say 2 or 3 ringers on each team in my beer league. Some of them play D to avoid completely taking over a game, but on some occasions they will run it end to end. Being that our league is non-contact I agree the D gets little respect, we honestly had to pull straws to see who would play since no one wanted to play. It takes a certain type of attitude to play D I think, more agressive maybe, and everyone knows your dmen are your best skaters :P ;)

Anway question 1)

Well if you get smoked on a one-on-one then yeah your skills will be questioned

2) Unlike the CCM shirt I rarely score, but keeping the other team from scoring and hooking up my forwards is good enough for me.

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D gets respect in our Beer league...in fact its what seperates a lot of teams.

I know its harder to score from the point, but when you have a D that can get the puck at the net you would be surprised how much it opens room for the forwards...thats the respect they give the D.

I love getting teh puck in the corner and looking at teh point to see who is open.

Nothing like good D...you have my respect...no matter the league

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Even in men's league if you play on a team that had guys that played college or juniors they will notice the little things that D usually get no credit for. Also being a defensemen you should know that you will not get the same recognition as a guy that just scored an awesome goal so you should take personal pride (and I do mean keep it to yourself) in breaking up a play. Believe me, if you played lousy D everybody would notice.

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When I'm in the offensive zone I pass to my D man all the time....too bad they're often standing there picking their nose and aren't ready for it! Get in the game!!!

It really erks me when D don't skate hard to join the rush -- it's a two way street ya know!

--> Okay I vented. I think it's easy to be a stay at home D-Man. The position gets really tough when it comes to contributing on offence AND playing solid D as well.

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I play Defense in Bantam. Sure, we don't get as much glory but i dont mind it. I don't score very often, but a nice pass to me is just as good as scoring a goal. I dont mind it. Getting a good shot on goal that the forwards can do something with is what a defenseman needs to do in the offensive zone.

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I play Defense in Bantam. Sure, we don't get as much glory but i dont mind it. I don't score very often, but a nice pass to me is just as good as scoring a goal. I dont mind it. Getting a good shot on goal that the forwards can do something with is what a defenseman needs to do in the offensive zone.

I'm a coach and I start every season by identifying the guys with the brains, patience and toughness to play defense.

Those are the rocks of my team. I occassionally get a stupid flaky uncoachable guy with good skills....but I would never ever ever put him on defense.

I want lunch bucket tough guys with brains and vision on defense.

Last year, we had very little offense, because my best players were on defense.

We won the state championship in 3 close games....2-1....2-0.....2-1......all because my defense kicked ass.

And a great NHL Defenseman can play longer in the NHL like Lidstrom or Chelios or Bourque.

Good Coaches love solid defenseman. If I had to choose between a rock solid defenseman and a fleet footed forward....I'll take that D-man all the time.

........there...is that enough love for the D-man?

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If they don't give you any respect, don't give them the puck on the breakout. I usually get a little respect when one of the guys wanders in front of a good slapper.

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I LOVE BEING A D! I've been all of my life. I played a season of centre, I scored more goals, but its not as much fun. Especially in roller! You get to constantly take on the hotdogs, control the play, QB the PP, hammer slapshots. It's a thinking mans position and I love to think :D

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I LOVE BEING A D! I've been all of my life. I played a season of centre, I scored more goals, but its not as much fun. Especially in roller! You get to constantly take on the hotdogs, control the play, QB the PP, hammer slapshots. It's a thinking mans position and I love to think :D

Yeah roller for sure, usually because my team sucks and none of them can stop the 3 or 4 danglers on the other team. When I'm on with guys on the other team that I'm confident I can beat, I get my forwards to hide behind the other team's net (no offsides in roller for those of you that don't know) and just wire it down. But on the ice D is not for me. Although I was thinking about it for when we play Mountain the first place team, what do you think eazy? :)

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Ya I play D, I love it. Hammering other players to me is just as good as a goal. Also a flawless D game is quite an accomplshment; what forwards need to realize is that +/- is alot bigger deal on defence than it is on forward, so if a defence who is on your team is + anything in a close game you have you better give them a big pat on the back becasue they have been out there working hard all game not allowing a goal.

Only think that bugs me about playing D is when the forwards dont play the point on the PP. Gotta use those cannons

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im a D on my team, i have been since i started playing. ive always loved playing D, it's also not as easy as it looks. A lot of my coaches say that the D are the smartest players on the team. it is also tough to contribute on offense while staying strong on D at the same time. i have 10 goals this year and most of them are from sliding in from the blue and getting a quick pass then release. But the one thing i hate most about being D is that most coaches think that the bigger the player the better. thats what my stupid coach thinks. i am 5'7'' and the shortest player on the team, the coach thinks that just because the other guys on my team that are 5'10'' are good just because they are big. but they have no hands and can't skate as good as me. I love D but i just hate it when coaches are blinded by size, you've gotta recognize the smarts too.

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It's quite funny : lots of D wouldn't trade their place for a A place !

Neither would I.

The most exciting part in when our team is attacking : I just choose the moment to be offensive, to add some punch to our attack, to be the one guy too much for the defense to handle !

To be able to choose those offensive or defensive moments is what make a good D I think.

Well, it would be perfect if we just could get more recognition from the crowd. B)

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I play D on my roller team, was not getting any love from the goalie who kept bitchin he was bored due to lack of shots. Most opposing forwards won't take it down my side as I "let" them know that I care :D

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I agree with everything hipster said about D-men. I build my team on defense and the style we play anyone can end up on D at any time, so my team is usually built of D-men. Maybe that is why we are so successful. It only takes one goal to win if you keep the other team from scoring and control the puck. D-MEN take heart a lot of coaches like myself rank you higher than shooters because they are easy to find but a true D-MAN will always check the points and cover if needed this stops all shooters. Shooters we play all admit they hate to play us because they cant move without a SKILLED D-MAN on them right away. A true D-Man is not selfish and will make that pass for the team rather than putting themselves first and taking a low percentage shot with no angle. Ah oh well I will get off the soapbox now but, ask Coaches what is harder to find a skilled D-man or shooters. The hardest D-Man to find is a very skilled goalie who is consistent, but that is another story.

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