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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How much do Custom Grafs run for?

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Anyone ever order grafs from their custom department? Anyone know how much they charge on top of the regular price, also how long it takes to get your skates...Thanks Oz.

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I'm sure it will differ from location to location, your best bet is to goto your LHS and tell them your interested and if a price quote would be possible.

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I ordered some Grafs in late February and when I called Graf to ask them the cost they said anywhere from $50 to $200 extra (CDN Funds) depeding on what I had done. I have not received them yet so I am not sure the total cost yet. I was told that they would take anytime from 4 to 6 weeks from Graf but from my LHS was told that I really should be looking at 6 to 10 weeks.

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Did you have to put down a down payment at least? When I was going to order mine, they wanted half up front.

Well I used to work for my LHS so they didn't make me put down a deposit so I'm not sure what it would have been but I'm guessing its pretty substantial. Also, for my order anyway my LHS is only charging the basic 705 boot price, plus whatever Graf is charging them and not making any more money than a regular 705 sale.

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i dont think i will get any extras really im just going to see if they can make a reinforced boot to help me with my supination... like make one side alot stronger than the other.... But im not even sure if they can accomodate to a problem like mine, if they cant well i guess i won't bother.

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You might want to give THR a call and ask them if they can reinforce the area of the skate that you're looking for.

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I do not think that a boot reinforcement will help nearly as much (if at all!) with your supination as custom orthotics would. I'd say get orthotics instead of custom Grafs.

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well i already have a pair of semi-custom (I paid 200 for them) orthotics that i've tried in my skates, and they dont work. The only way i could see an orthotic working in a skate is if it is super super thin, and if thats the case, i doubt it would correct my problem, cause I believe its the thickness which plays the role in how effective an orthotic can be.

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I talked to me LHS about custom graf 703's. I wanted to get greatwhite and teclite. They told me it would cost about $600. Now I am thinking about getting G3's in greatwhite if it's possilbe. Anyone know if I can? Thanks.

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$50 from my LHS and I get my 705s stiffer and quarter-sized. None of that gay great white crap.

Same here. I think that also included a different toe cap, but don't remember.

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I talked to me LHS about custom graf 703's.  I wanted to get greatwhite and teclite.  They told me it would cost about $600.  Now I am thinking about getting G3's in greatwhite if it's possilbe.  Anyone know if I can?  Thanks.

Yes it is I've played against a guy with them I'll up load a picture later of them.

Here's the link it's hard to tell what model they are, but they are G3's.


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I talked to me LHS about custom graf 703's.  I wanted to get greatwhite and teclite.  They told me it would cost about $600.  Now I am thinking about getting G3's in greatwhite if it's possilbe.  Anyone know if I can?  Thanks.

Yes it is I've played against a guy with them I'll up load a picture later of them.

Here's the link it's hard to tell what model they are, but they are G3's.


Damn, them are P I M P. I think I might end up going with them. I think it would cost around the same, and G's are a lot lighter. Only thing that I am hesitating about it is the stiffness. I heard there gonna be twice as stiff as the vapors.

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I talked to me LHS about custom graf 703's.  I wanted to get greatwhite and teclite.  They told me it would cost about $600.  Now I am thinking about getting G3's in greatwhite if it's possilbe.  Anyone know if I can?  Thanks.

Yes it is I've played against a guy with them I'll up load a picture later of them.

Here's the link it's hard to tell what model they are, but they are G3's.


Damn, them are P I M P. I think I might end up going with them. I think it would cost around the same, and G's are a lot lighter. Only thing that I am hesitating about it is the stiffness. I heard there gonna be twice as stiff as the vapors.

alright buddy umm the vapor XX is not a very stiff boot. The XX is only stiff at the beginning when you first get them but after a couple months they break down and after 6-8 months from what ive seen they turn into mush. The G series is only stiffer because of the carbon insole/outsole. I myself am all for the carbon insole but the outsole doesnt have to be carbon because of grafs policy that the outsole does nothing to help the boot its just there to mount the holder properly. I'm getting custom grafs but see diff with me is im gettin full out custom.

709 boot

703 N heel

705 forefoot

teclite quarter panel

G series liner

703 stiffness

white where black is

toe cap liner

carbon insole

plastic outsole

cobra 3000 holder/runner

1/4inch extra thickness in tongue

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I talked to me LHS about custom graf 703's.  I wanted to get greatwhite and teclite.  They told me it would cost about $600.  Now I am thinking about getting G3's in greatwhite if it's possilbe.  Anyone know if I can?  Thanks.

Yes it is I've played against a guy with them I'll up load a picture later of them.

Here's the link it's hard to tell what model they are, but they are G3's.


Damn, them are P I M P. I think I might end up going with them. I think it would cost around the same, and G's are a lot lighter. Only thing that I am hesitating about it is the stiffness. I heard there gonna be twice as stiff as the vapors.

alright buddy umm the vapor XX is not a very stiff boot. The XX is only stiff at the beginning when you first get them but after a couple months they break down and after 6-8 months from what ive seen they turn into mush. The G series is only stiffer because of the carbon insole/outsole. I myself am all for the carbon insole but the outsole doesnt have to be carbon because of grafs policy that the outsole does nothing to help the boot its just there to mount the holder properly. I'm getting custom grafs but see diff with me is im gettin full out custom.

709 boot

703 N heel

705 forefoot

teclite quarter panel

G series liner

703 stiffness

white where black is

toe cap liner

carbon insole

plastic outsole

cobra 3000 holder/runner

1/4inch extra thickness in tongue

Yea, well I didn't say the vapors stay stiff. I said they are stiff skates. I know after a while they break down and turn to mush. My cousin threw his away and got custom grafs after 2 months.

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alright bud, i agree that they are stiff skates. there 8090 skate is so much better for durability and Bauer has been told about the durability issue so maybe for there next vapor booth theyll back to something like the vapor 10

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I talked to me LHS about custom graf 703's.  I wanted to get greatwhite and teclite.  They told me it would cost about $600.  Now I am thinking about getting G3's in greatwhite if it's possilbe.  Anyone know if I can?  Thanks.

Yes it is I've played against a guy with them I'll up load a picture later of them.

Here's the link it's hard to tell what model they are, but they are G3's.


Damn, them are P I M P. I think I might end up going with them. I think it would cost around the same, and G's are a lot lighter. Only thing that I am hesitating about it is the stiffness. I heard there gonna be twice as stiff as the vapors.

alright buddy umm the vapor XX is not a very stiff boot. The XX is only stiff at the beginning when you first get them but after a couple months they break down and after 6-8 months from what ive seen they turn into mush. The G series is only stiffer because of the carbon insole/outsole. I myself am all for the carbon insole but the outsole doesnt have to be carbon because of grafs policy that the outsole does nothing to help the boot its just there to mount the holder properly. I'm getting custom grafs but see diff with me is im gettin full out custom.

709 boot

703 N heel

705 forefoot

teclite quarter panel

G series liner

703 stiffness

white where black is

toe cap liner

carbon insole

plastic outsole

cobra 3000 holder/runner

1/4inch extra thickness in tongue

how much is that gonna run you man? i would love to do something like that but i dont have that kinda flow.

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Sean -

I'm guessing you can only use RMS screws with carbon insoles...I'd imagine steel rivets won't press into the material?

It's probably why nobody else has used the material for insoles...

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