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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any suggestions?

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I am currently wearing Vapor XX's and they fit great, the best fitting pair of skates i've ever worn but there are some things that i don't like about them that i am changing my mind and am looking for a new skate for next season. I am looking for a skate with more protection, these skates dont protect for nothing, and something that will last probably 2 year as i will be done with competitive hockey in about 2 years more than likely. So if anyone has any suggestions on any skates that are more protective and are more durable with the same fit as the Vapors it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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Vapor XXX since you like the Vapor XX a lot? Not sure about the 2 year durability though...

I know the synergy skates have massive protection, not sure bout fit.

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As for the 2005 skates...i'm using 1152 tack with tblades and i'm waiting for the new 2005 skate arrive in store...but i might be choosing beside

1.Flexlite nike v-12

2.RBK 8K

3.Pro tack '05

4.New mission lite

5.or the pro tack "04

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supposedly the Rbk fit is similar to that of vapors

They look nice but I doubt they will be last 2 years, I'd expect similar durability from the RBK as the XX, XXX and L7.

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Sorry to say, because of the demand for lightness, you are goin to have a tough time finding a real protective skate. Have you tried ankle guards?

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In the review of the synergy skates, the reviewer says that the skates are extremely protective. Not sure how the fit is compared to the Vapor skates.

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In the review of the synergy skates, the reviewer says that the skates are extremely protective. Not sure how the fit is compared to the Vapor skates.

I am willing to bet that "puckmugger" didn't even skate in the stuff he reviews. The XXX review sounded like the review was based on sight.

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In the review of the synergy skates, the reviewer says that the skates are extremely protective. Not sure how the fit is compared to the Vapor skates.

Are you talking about Number_22's review up in the review section?

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