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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mystery Synergy

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Today I went to a game and saw a guy using a new(?) mystery Synergy. The top part was red like the SiCore Grip, and the end towards the blade looked like a regular Synergy (not chromey like the SL or ST). I made a Photoshop version of what it kind of looked like, the graphics isn't accurate of course, but this is the color scheme anyway. Anyone knows what this stick is?


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Yeah, just the fact that it's an easton stick and there's no graphics after halfway down should tell you it's not production. There'd be at least two more huge EASTONS on it.

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a lot of people spary paint the lower half of their sticks.

some think if painted black like heatley it hides the puck and some think the graphics are distracting when stick handing.

sorry about the spelling

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i sparypainted the bottem half of my synergy :D it looks good i think my team mates make fun of me but i dont care .. and i didnt do it to hide the puck thats just stupid to think it would hide the puck

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I am pretty sure it is a spray paint job. I would assume because he used to use the grey synergy he is used to the graphics and doesn't want a change so that is why the bottom half of the stick is that colour.

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