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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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its all personal preference. i've never really seen any style of pattern being better for a certain style of shot. maybe its just me.

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I think it's personal preference. However it's easier to do a slapshot with a more of a flat blade and easier for wrist shots with a curve.

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I find the Sakic to be good for every shot. I didnt like the Modo so much for my snapper. I don't have a problem controlling height with the Sakic, but others might.

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snap shot - open heel curves such as lidstrom, morrow, lecalvier

wrist shot - any cruve that has some curve, but i can't take them that well with an open blade

slapshot - open heel, lidstrom, lecalvier, etc

it all depends if you want a fast rising shot, or a hard low shot

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its all personal preference. i've never really seen any style of pattern being better for a certain style of shot. maybe its just me.

Have you ever tried taking a slapshop with a deep mid curve? It's almost impossible to take one accurately.

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After all of the threads that we've had about this how can you guys still post specific curves/patterns that will help do certain things? It all depends on what you like and how you shoot. Who says that you can't take a slapshot with a deep mid curve? Kovalchuk's slapshot seems pretty damn lethal to me and you can't get a mid curve deeper than that. Heel curves for snapshots? Hull uses a big ass toe curve and he has one of the best snapshots in the world.

The only way that you're going to find out what works for you regarding blade patterns is to try it out for yourself.

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its all personal preference. i've never really seen any style of pattern being better for a certain style of shot. maybe its just me.

Have you ever tried taking a slapshop with a deep mid curve? It's almost impossible to take one accurately.

It's all PP man. I am way, way more accurate taking slappers with Yzerman/Gaborik/Thornton blades than I am with Lidstrom type blades. I can't even play with a lidstrom because I'm too inaccurate and I raise it up too much.

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After all of the threads that we've had about this how can you guys still post specific curves/patterns that will help do certain things? It all depends on what you like and how you shoot. Who says that you can't take a slapshot with a deep mid curve? Kovalchuk's slapshot seems pretty damn lethal to me and you can't get a mid curve deeper than that. Heel curves for snapshots? Hull uses a big ass toe curve and he has one of the best snapshots in the world.

The only way that you're going to find out what works for you regarding blade patterns is to try it out for yourself.

Kovalchuk almost never takes slapshots.

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So your telling me he's taking wrist shots from the point when he's skating the entire 2 minutes back there every power play???

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must be because of his blade. Really now, your missing the point. And he may not take alot, but he seems to score a fait bit with them. Their PP was set-up to give him one timers from the point

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<rant>Why cant people give suggestions instead of "ITS ALL PP", you can tell him that but then lead him in the direction. Its like if you have a question wrong and cant do it then the teacher says "thats WRONG" and walks away without teaching you the right way. </rant>

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the thing is, it is all up to you. I've seen guys rip the hell out of slapshots with weird curves. I've seen guy snap pucks all over with more or less flat blades. just find something you're comfortable with, then work on each of the shots with this blade you're not comfortable with.

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I think he's just interested in which curves different people like, he isnt asking what curve he should buy on his next stick. Just write what curves YOU like.

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<rant>Why cant people give suggestions instead of "ITS ALL PP", you can tell him that but then lead him in the direction. Its like if you have a question wrong and cant do it then the teacher says "thats WRONG" and walks away without teaching you the right way. </rant>

I'd say its more like people asking whether they want an steak or burgers for dinner. Both will fill you up, you'll probably enjoy both, but what are you in the mood for. Nobody but you can answer that.

In your example the teacher has the answer, the response the student is looking for, here nobody can give him a concrete answer.

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I think he's just interested in which curves different people like, he isnt asking what curve he should buy on his next stick. Just write what curves YOU like.

yeah thanks

i know it is mostly pp but i wanted know what other people like well next time ill be more clear.

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I like the Yzerman Curve or the Sakic, but thats just me. I have a great wrister with them and a good slapshot. I can get up my backhand up pretty easily too.

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