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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX Max Stick'um

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Two weeks ago I sent back a Vapor XX (PM9) and much to my surprise when I got back from my vacation last night, I had a box from Bauer/Nike in my room with a brand spankin new Vapor XX Max Stick'Um (P91 Kovalchuk). Stick feels awesome, haven't had a chance to do anything with it yet though. It's Black and Fades into Yellow. If people are interesting in seeing it, I'll take some pictures. As you can tell I'm pretty pumped about it, I was going to turn around and sell it to a friend if they sent me back the same pattern but now since it's closer pattern to what I use (Drury), I'm going to keep it.

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I agree..........i'll look into that stick when it comes out....i hope it comes out soon

the one thing that i don't like is the "MAX stick'um" pushing up the Vapor XX but i guess it does it on the Regular Vapor XX but I do wish it was smaller or something but thats just my opinion ;)

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I'm sure that this has already been answered but anyway...

What is the Max Stick'um. Is it just a XX with more grip or what. Thank you for your answers in advance!

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I agree..........i'll look into that stick when it comes out....i hope it comes out soon

the one thing that i don't like is the "MAX stick'um" pushing up the Vapor XX but i guess it does it on the Regular Vapor XX but I do wish it was smaller or something but thats just my opinion ;)

ya----------I don't really know why they would design it so the letters dont fit in, even with the normal VAPOR XX

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My LHS in Rochester, NY already has them, i was in there on wednesday and saw 2 left handed 1 right and they felt amazing. I personally like the colors too. I also had a chance to pick up a new XXX and to my dismay, I didn't like it at all. It was much to blade heavy IMO and I can't stand a lot of blade heaviness.

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Sorry to bring back an old thread, but why is this stick so cheap, from the concensus of the posters here it appears to be a real XX with more grip and not an SMU. But if they are old stock, how come they come in the p14 bugsy pattern which I havn't heard til now(were they produced til recently?).


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i picked up a couple intermediate XX's from monkey a little while ago. intermediate is 77 flex, which feels nice (all my other sticks are 87). awesome sticks, and at $75 for two of them, well... you know...

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Because they're junior sticks.

I'm aware that they are junior sticks, which I use. I was more concerned if they were an SMU like Mission Pulse 2 or Bauer Endure 2 because of the curve p14 bugsy which I havn't heard of until I saw these sticks.

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p14 bugsy is an amazing curve there was a whole thread devoted to it about a week ago you can find it easily, it's a very nice curve. So is the p106 Jokinen, not an SMU.

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