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Greatest Movie Franchises?

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I'm watchin' a Rocky marathon here and I gotta say I've always liked the movies, but never considered if it is one of the best franchises.

I think it's up there.

Of course there's Star Wars and LOTR now.

Whaddya'all think?

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Sheer volume would have to include Nightmare on Elm St., Halloween, Friday the 13th and Police Academy.

Just off the top of my head and aside from the afforementioned ones, I'd go with Batman, Indiana Jones, James Bond, Naked Gun and Spider-Man.

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Oh wow, I didn't even take any of the horror series into account.

I am a huuuge batman fan, but I can't accept it as a great movie franchise because its initial hype got grandfathered in due to the comics and the only ones that were passable were I and II.

Spiderman, though regenerated interest in the comics and were both stunning, and James yes I totally forgot. Based purely on longevity James Bond is a permanent pop culture fixture.

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Although the first one was the only good one.... the Matrix.

You know, I thought the second one was alright. They definitely turned it into action-eye candy, but it kept me interested.

Let's just never speak of the third matrix..........ever. :lol:

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The Bond movies, Spiderman, Star Wars ( Im not a Star Wars nerd or anything, but come its dosent suck, Except maybe EP 2) and come on MIGHTY DUCKS!

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Indiana Jones, James Bond, Mighty Ducks, Star Wars, Spider Man (even though theres only been 2 so far)

I was always a big Jurassic Park fan, lol. The 1st one was great, the other 2 were kind of :unsure: I'm hoping that the 4th one will be good...

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In order to really answer the question, you first have to define what considers to be a "franchise" and then the "greatest." I think you have to have more than three to be a "franchise" in my opinion. Some are just "trilogies" like Godfather or Matrix or LOTR. However, movies like Harry Potter or Austin Powers are exceptions.

Anyway, based on what's already been said, I'd have to go with James Bond as the greatest movie franchise. (side note: their planning the next Bond movie; not sure if they've picked a new Bond yet, although I don't see what was wrong with Brosnon. I heard they're going to go back to the beginning when Bond first joins the service. They're going to make it more in the model of the early Bond movies, less explosions and special effects.)

Batman is a question mark. The first two were pretty good, the third was weak and the fourth one sucked. The trailer for the next one, Batman Begins, likes really good, though, going back to the original style.

Although there's only been two Spiderman movies, that looks like it's going to be a good movie franchise. Jurassic Park has been pretty solid and consistent. Didn't know they might make a fourth one.

Personally, though, I vote for the Alien movies (including AVP). I'll also give a half-hearted vote to the Star Trek movies, although there were some weak ones in there. I also vote for the three horror movies franchises mentioned: Friday the 13th, Halloween and Freddy. I liked Jason X a lot (the one set in the future in space).

Here's a couple more that I personally like a lot: Hellraiser and Phantasm. I saw a Hellraiser web site that indicated that there are like 10 Hellraiser movies, most of the later ones went straight to video. It seems like they were pumping them out like porno movies. Phantasm is one of my personal, all-time favorite movies and I heard they might make a fifth one.

No one mentioned the Terminator movies. I know there's only three, but I think this is one of those exceptions.

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Oooh, Hellraiser and Phantasm. Good catches. Like the Phantasm ones and Hellraiser, but the last Hellraiser I saw with O'Reilly from "Oz" killed it for me. More so than the toymaker in space one.

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I think my biggest criteria for a great film franchise is how much it has affected and permeated pop culture, as well as sustain it's popularity over a good bit of time and markets.

I think based on recognition value around the world, Star Wars has to be it.

Not saying it's the best for me to watch or that they're better films, but of the franchises in existence up to this date, I think Star Wars has had the most cultural and economical impact across the world and will be remembered more than other existing franchises.

Disclaimer: Again, I'm not saying Star Wars is my favorite nor am I saying they are better, just saying they've had one of the largest impacts.

I love Back to the Future.

And no one mentioned Terminator yet. T1 was good and T2 was groundbreaking as far as SFX I think. T3 was ok if you had nothing better to do.

Whoops, I guess someone did mention the Term. movies.

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The old trilogy is responsible for a lot of pop. culture stuff but the prequels really haven't added anything to the popularity; some can argue that it's taken away from the old movies.

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The old trilogy is responsible for a lot of pop. culture stuff but the prequels really haven't added anything to the popularity; some can argue that it's taken away from the old movies.

Yes, that's def. true.

A lot of people really dislike the new prequels.

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I am kinda interested to see that D4: Mighty Ducks when it comes out. Some places say that Charlie will get in trouble and coach a peewee team (like Gordon did in the first one)and he will get help from Coach Bombay. Others say that they will meet with old rivals the old Iceland team. The first one makes more sence IMO.

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