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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Z-Bubble tapered?

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It is a standard shaft, but it has "focus flex". The focus flex is about 1.5-3 in above where the blade goes. It's basically the same thing as the z-carobon accept the focus flew is on the shaft. Question for all you Z-Bubble with Z-Carbon users, if you have 2 focus flexes does it nullify out does it make it whippier? it doesn't make sense to have 2 focus flexes does it? maybe it's just me.

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My take is they tried to take a shaft like the T-flex and have it fit standard blades while keeping the performance of the tapered shaft. What the hell do I know though?

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if you took a z-bubble and cut it at the end of the taper does that make it a synthesis? :P

Ask Vapor what he called it; we just called it a T-Bubble.

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if you took a z-bubble and cut it at the end of the taper does that make it a synthesis? :P

Ask Vapor what he called it; we just called it a T-Bubble.


As Chadd said, the taper is like the T-Flex. So, if you cut off the part that flares back out to receive standard dimension hosels, it makes a T-Flex composite.

The part that flares back out seems to break easily, so players would cut off the rest of the broken flares and insert T-Flex blades, turning the Z-bubble into a "T-Bubble". I got a broken Z-bubble shaft from the rink; the previous owner had used his skate to break off the flare to save his blade, and threw away the rest of the shaft. I have been using the $1 T-Flex blades (wood) from Cyclone Taylor.

I have been told that the narrower T-Flex dimensions match those of the Synthesis and other comapanies' tapered blade hosels.

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if you took a z-bubble and cut it at the end of the taper does that make it a synthesis?

yes but you have to cut at right place but as chadd said it might make it too short.

not for me thought iam 5 5''

If you crack the zbubble on the flare make it in to a t flex would be a best option by cutting low as possible until the blade fits in buts to use t flex blade or one with a longer hosel. But of course t flex and synthesis perform better.

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