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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's in A Bag?

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Ive got this Jofa bag I got at my LHS for like 20 bucks. Its simply a bag. It has like one pocket (it is pretty deep though) but plenty of room for all my stuff. And when it rips, time to pull out the duct tape. I dont think id ever spend more than 50 on a bag.

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Seeing that no one else has posted this... I have the Easton z-air Wheeled bag. Ive had it for about two years and no problems as of yet. It is huge which is why I picked it out, it has a outside skate pockets, pockets on either end, internal pockets, laundry bag, and my favorite part is the top flap has a seperate vented pocket for jearseys. I got a good deal on ebay for like $50 I think it retails for almost $100 regularly. I wouldnt have paid that before I used it, but now that Ive used one I would probably pay the full price.

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I have a Mission M-1 Wheeled bag..

After 2 months the one side zipper split at the seams and aslo the zipper broke.

I have to suggest NEVER GET A WHEELED BAG WITH SKATE POCKETS ON THE SIDE. It is the worst invention. The weight of the skates tip the bag when turning corners, or try standing up, or going down a few steps.

Can anyone recommend a 40+ inch wheeled hockey bag WITHOUT outer side skate pockets???

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Seeing that no one else has posted this... I have the Easton z-air Wheeled bag. Ive had it for about two years and no problems as of yet. It is huge which is why I picked it out, it has a outside skate pockets, pockets on either end, internal pockets, laundry bag, and my favorite part is the top flap has a seperate vented pocket for jearseys. I got a good deal on ebay for like $50 I think it retails for almost $100 regularly. I wouldnt have paid that before I used it, but now that Ive used one I would probably pay the full price.

lol i have found the opposite my bag looks like hell and is ripping everywhere the only thing that has held up on the bag is the zippers. I have had for about a year and 4 months

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I also used to have problems with my wheeled bag's tipping over towards the side of the outside skate pockets. I have the "Team Canada" Cdn$46 wheeled bag from Costco, which has an overly flexible bottom but wide wheels. I stiffened the bottom with three wooden hockey stick shafts (screwed in, 2 lengthwise and 1 across from wheel to wheel), and the problem went away. Perhaps I will move one skate pocket to the other side of the bag for better balance when I get the time, but then the bag might be too wide to go through the rink corridors or fit in my car's trunk...

I know 5 other guys who have the same bag. 2 are falling apart, and 4 (including mine) are holding up pretty well. So, I guess that mine wasn't made on Friday afternoon or Monday morning. I was able to repair (re-stitch) one of the falling-apart ones, and it has been holding up ever since.

Somebody else was talking about the skate blades cutting through the skate pocket mesh vents: I put soakers on my skate blades after games, and I take the skates out of the bag to air out (with the soakers, insoles, and tongues out) after I get home.

I see a lot of backpack-style bags now in the stores; has anybody tried one?

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I see a lot of backpack-style bags now in the stores; has anybody tried one?

I have an Easton Air (or Z-Air) backpack, and its terrible. It barely fits my skates (I'm only a 7W) wouldn't come near holding my ice hockey stuff. I got it for in-line and just use it for coaching now because I couldn't fit everything into it for in-line.

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I see a lot of backpack-style bags now in the stores; has anybody tried one?

I have an Easton Air (or Z-Air) backpack, and its terrible. It barely fits my skates (I'm only a 7W) wouldn't come near holding my ice hockey stuff. I got it for in-line and just use it for coaching now because I couldn't fit everything into it for in-line.

I had one too, the first year they came out. I think the model year after, the skate pockets were made bigger. Overall I found it too small, I had to neatly wrap all my stuff so it would all fit in the bag.

A friend of mine has a Synergy backpack (I think it has wheels too?) that he seems to have no problems fitting everything in. It seemed bigger than the Air backpack.

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VENTS: If you have a car with a trunk, you want the vents. If you have an SUV or a Van, believe me you DO NOT want vents in the bag!

Best bag my kid had was one with a big center area, and a zippered full width pocked on each end. It was big enough to hold both skates in one end, the other end held small stuff that he needed to find easily. The big center held everything else. It lasted 3 years and is now a backup bag. Had to take it to a shoe repair place to glue in a leather floor in the end pocket because the skates were slicing a hole in the bottom.

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for roller, my backpack bag has been awesome. it fits everything i need, including my skates. im 6'4", so size was a possible issue. ive got the nexed bag - and everything is still attached and working after 2 years. i would use it for ice, but my ice pants dont fit. actually, no regular bag fits my tall stuff very well at all. im hoping to find a bag that puts the skates on the side, and doesnt have end pockets(at least on one side) - so i can fit my pants and everything in there easier. i have a regular mission qualifyer bag right now, and i have to put my shins inside my pants to get it all in. any ideas short of using a goalie bag? i would prefer one that goes over the shoulder easy as well.

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Sorry to bring back an old topic, but I am surprised to see the apparent hostility among some towards wheeled bags. Hasn't anyone thrown out a shoulder or back tossing their hockey bag over their shoulder ? Isn't it obvious that walking around with a heavy hockey bag hanging off one side of your body could cause long-term e.g. postural problems ? Heck, orthopedists are always advising kids to not carry their backpacks on one side, which usually are far less heavy, while conventional hockey bags demand to be carried like that. I just don't get the "wheeled hockey bags aren't cool" position. Is it just kids who hold those opinions, or are their adults out there who subscribe to this philosophy as well ?

I'm looking at buying a wheeled bag now because I just popped my shoulder and possibly did some other stuff to myself during a game, and only then realized how much strain a hockey bag can put on your body, unbalanced as it typically is. I realize that tugging on a wheeled bag with one arm behind you could possibly create its own problems, but I can't see how that could be worse than having all that weight hanging off one side of your body.

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I'm an adult, and have come more to terms with wheeled bags. However, I would not buy one myself, for the extra price doesn't justify the minor extra versatility. Anyway, I don't rag on guys with wheeled bags anymore. It's just "old school" mentality that most of us did it on anyway, as it made the guys look lazy because they wouldn't carry their bags. But, again, I've come to accept the practice now.

One thing I am TOTALLY out on is the hockey-back-packs. They just look damned odd.

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I have a blue Graf carry bag. The first day that I had it the shoulder strap broke, but besides that, its a good simple bag. All that i look for when picking it out is size and that it has a side pocket.

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Seeing that no one else has posted this... I have the Easton z-air Wheeled bag. Ive had it for about two years and no problems as of yet. It is huge which is why I picked it out, it has a outside skate pockets, pockets on either end, internal pockets, laundry bag, and my favorite part is the top flap has a seperate vented pocket for jearseys. I got a good deal on ebay for like $50 I think it retails for almost $100 regularly. I wouldnt have paid that before I used it, but now that Ive used one I would probably pay the full price.

lol i have found the opposite my bag looks like hell and is ripping everywhere the only thing that has held up on the bag is the zippers. I have had for about a year and 4 months

i have this bag and i love it. its well vented and is has a hard bottom, so when u pull it dosent cave in. the wheels and handles are holding up nicely and i have enough room for both my ice and roller gear in the bag. the laundry bag and jersey compartment are great features

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After 20+ years of using a traditional style hockey bag, I decided to try a backpack style bag about a year ago. I bought a cheap Gear backpack style bag for around 20 bucks. It could definitly stand to be a little bigger. My size 9 skates are a tight fit, but they do fit. I have to carefully pack my gear, but I always get it all in without any real fight.

If a backpack style bag will fit all your gear, I really think it's the way to go. No more shoulder strap bruises, no more twisted and sore back.

From a durability standpoint, the Gear bag has been a tank. Almost a year of use and no cuts, tears, or broken zippers.

Apart from size, any other complaints? I wish the sides were stiffer so it would hold it self open. It has two large zippered compartments, but the zippers are on opposite sides of the bag (one on front one on back,) so I have to flip the bag around to load the other half of my gear. I'd actually prefer one giant compartment over the two smaller ones.

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After reading some opinions about my bag I admit that I was starting to have doubts. I was worried that it would start falling apart as soon as I started stuffing it. Its been about 2 months and my bag is still holding together. Zippers are all in working order no tears or holes that I can see, and even the wheels are still in one piece. The only thing I see the bag could use would be an external place to hang my water bottle and a place to attach my stick.

To wheel or not to wheel, that is the question. I am glad I got a wheeled bag because it makes it easier to get thorugh all those doors. It's also nice for those times when I have worked out hard and feel myself oozing out of the rink. I have only had a few comments about my wheels and they have always been from guys lamenting that they should have gotten wheels on their bags.

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I have a wheeled CCM bag, and as an older guy, it may not look the coolest walking into the rink but walking out after a game or practice, it's heaven. I hope other's perceptions don't prevent players from trying a wheeled bag. When you are whipped at the end of the day, the are damn nice. The problem with my bag is there is not a stiff material between the skate pocket and the rest of the bag, so if I don't put my skates in first, forget about it, they won't go in at all.

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my ccm bag is an old supra, holding up real nice. the best sre those bags that are just one giant bag, no extras

i once had that jofa nhl bag just one compartment, was so sick but i put too much shit in my bag so it broke

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2 really good Backpack bags are the Easton Synergy and the Tour Beemer. Both are very large, have internal pockets, and will have plenty of room for Ice or Roller gear.


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Has anyone used the Easton Synergy 700 Wheel bag? (Ultra lite pro) I wanted to find out if they have an internal pocket for clothes.

Do the zippers have a hole for locks?

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Oh Woe is Me!

This short marriage is ready for a divorce on grounds of unfaithfulness!

My bag has fallen apart! One of the wheels has broken off, or more specifically the wheel and the piece of plastic that it connects to has split in two. No amount of superglue or duct tape can fix this. Ok, no problem it has a shoulder strap right? It used to, I carried it on 2 occasions by the shoulder strap before the seams holding one of the strap attach points to the bag broke and came free. Right now the only way to carry this bag is by the handles, at least until they break. Now I know I can be rough on bags so I took it to my LHS and thought I would get their opinion. They told me that if they had sold the bag they would have exchanged it and chewed on their CCM Rep. Next time, buy American.... err I mean buy from your local shop.

I've called Hockeymonkey to see if we can do some sort of exchange, but I got a voice mail and don't have much hope.

I've had this bag for about 5 months! Now I can understand how the wheel might have broken being bounced down the steps at my local rink, but the strap!

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My Hyper Trinity bag is the best I've ever owned (not the backpack). I'm trying to find another one... anyone know where to find them? Also might give the Vapor XX bag a try... I'm not against the wheels.

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