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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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getting name/number on cuff

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Anyone know if screen-printing can be done on gloves w/out having to take them apart?? I wanna have my name and number put on my cuff. I didn't custom order them from eagle though b/c i didn't feel like waiting the extra months. I know for embroidery they have to do it before they stitch the glove together, right??

I'm thinking the screen-printing can be done though. Anyone ever have this done??

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You can get screenprinting done at any place that does custom shirts, jerseys, sweatshirts, etc. There are a bunch of places where I live that does it. Problem is they're prob not going to do it for me, b/c they always have a minimum number of things you need to buy. Making a screen is time consuming and expensive, so they're prob gonna tell me i'm shit outta luck now that i think of it.

I might just have a sign shop make me some high-quality vinyl letters. I'll get a bunch made up so I can replace them if need be.

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there are a few places i know of near me that does embroidery, but they'd have to take the material off the cuff first. The machine works from both sides to stitch it in. They would have to take the cuff apart and restitch it later. Too much of a hassle, and i'm not trusting anyone dissecting my new gloves :D

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my friend ironed on his number to a pair of eagles. I'm guessing you could do the same on a cuff.

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just get iron on numbers/letters from a place like the rag shop or pearl then follow the instructions so you don't mess things up

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A little bit off topic but does anybody know how long it takes to get custom eagles?

12 weeks or so.

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do you have nylon or leather gloves???

the problem with screen printing is the heat from the dryer to cure the ink... some places may have air dry ink available, but yes you will have to pay a screen set up charge.

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they're eagles, sim-leather i believe (their "regular" material, not nylon, not carbon, not suede).

I think i'm just gonna get some vinyl letters made up.

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A little bit off topic but does anybody know how long it takes to get custom eagles?

12 weeks or so.

and where would I order them through, my LHS?

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A little bit off topic but does anybody know how long it takes to get custom eagles?

12 weeks or so.

and where would I order them through, my LHS?

Or any other authorized Eagle dealer.

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A little bit off topic but does anybody know how long it takes to get custom eagles?

12 weeks or so.

and where would I order them through, my LHS?

Or any other authorized Eagle dealer.

Is there a way I can order them online or atleast see a sheet of the options and price?

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I don't think Eagle has an actual list of all the options they can do. They can do just about anything you want them to. Best thing to do is call a place that can order custom Eagles, tell them everything you want custom done on them, and have them check with Eagle on how much they'd be.

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Oh, I guess I was wrong. Is it really, really long then?

Most of the options are covered in the standard price list.

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i was about to make a new topic, till i searched for this one.

i read that they have to take apart your gloves to do the name thing, but are their any options that wont screw up the gloves?

what exactly is silk screening?

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ive seen one option where a person just ordered the cuff from eagle i dont know how and had his name and number on it and we just installed them. im trying to scan the eagle spec sheet for x70s right now but my scanners being kinda gay so if anybody wants one send me a message and when i go home ill scan it in at home and e-mail it.

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Depending on your model it might no be as complicated as you might think to embroider your name on your gloves,

if you tell me what model you have and what you wish to embroider I can give your options.

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