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Man Kills Judge and shoots Cops inside Courtroom

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Some guy in atlanta shot a judge who is reported dead and shot some other people. He escaped 8 floors of the building and is running away as we speak. This is a bit rough because Im getting this off the T.V. Tune in to CNN for details.

EDIT- Forgot to add that this is the same Judge on the Dany Heatley trial.

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Was he on trial, or did he just run in and shoot?

I honestly can't see if he was on trial how he would get a gun in there.

Stole a gun from a deputy in the courtroom.

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is it true the deputy he stole the gun from was like a 300 pound broad who had no business doing that job?

I don't know if any of us are qualified to determine who should be deputy in that county.

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not to be rude, but being from the metro detroit area, interning with the state police, being 13 credits short of an associates degree in criminal justice and shipping out to cape may, nj this summer for USCG basic training, id like to think i might know a thing or two. you cant blame the deputy, but if the ADA, americans with disabilitys act, helped someone with the disabilty of obesity get a job she had no business doing, thats a shame in my eyes

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Just saw something in the paper today that the judge went to a college around here. Lebanon Valley College.

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i did it, please dont tell it anyone ;)

HAHAHA, I almost shit my pants when I heard that one, what are you gonna say next..you were the one that flew the plane into the twin towers....that would be so funny. :rolleyes:

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