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Gettin the stink out of my gloves

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The process takes like 25 mins for sani-sport.

No, I mean how long does your stuff smell decent? I've had my pants for almost a year...my skates for over 2 and my skates are brutal...pants are just starting to stink. How long do the effects of the Sani-Sport last?

If everything stinks again after 2-3 skates, $30 is not worth it...if it gives you the better of the season, it'd be worthwhile.

[EDIT] I assuem there is no scent/perfume left. The one thing worse than you stuff smelling like ass, would be to smell like a lemon...preobably get ribbed pretty good if you showed up smelling "pretty"

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For serious odors find a shop with a Sani-Sport machine.  It uses a gas that penetrates the fibres and foams and gets at the bacteria.  It's all-dry process similar to what hospitals use to sanitize operating rooms.  I have one of these machines in my shop and it works great, no wear and tear on the equipment.  Doesn't cost an arm and leg like Esporta.  I charge only $19.00 for a whole set of equipment, helmet to skates, bag too.

Sani-Sport....I think that is what they have at the place I was thinking of. How long does the cleaning process last....is it the kind fo thing you do 1-2 times per season? (assuming you skate 1-2 times a week). Would once between Winter/Summer, then again in the Fall be enough?

They charge $30 up here.

How long it lasts depends on you. The Sani-Sport kills all bacteria in the equipment, so after a treatment you start from scratch, zero bacteria. Neutral smells. The bacteriacides that are applied during treatment slow new bacteria growth down. if you air your equipment out after each play, it will take months before the foul odors come back. If you never take your stuff out of your bag (like me), the stuff will begin to smell after a month. However, I play 4 times a week, stuff rarely leaves the bag. I go about 1 month between treatments. I use my wife as a tester. When she yells at me because the car is stinking, I know it's time. :-) So, if you are good at airing, I'd say 2 times a season is normal. Remember, airing equipment only makes the bacteria go dormant. Once rehydrated they come to life and multiply. The Sani-Sport bursts the cell's membranes, destroying the bacteria. I've been using it for 2 years. I really like it. My customers are repeats so they do too.

I charge $19.99 US. The local Esporta charges $60 for everything. Big difference in price.. I'd choke at paying $60. $20 is not too bad. Especially if you can have it done while you wait, 20 minutes.

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Slip an un-opened box of irish spring in there overnight or whenever you dry-out your equipment...I finds that helps the best. When you spray stuff with febreeze it gets all sticky.

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I just hang-dry my stuff in my storage room which is cold because its under the bleachers. No smell at all.

Actually, that environment is good for keeping the bacteria colonies from multiplying. What's it like in the summer???

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I also don't understand why wet washing is so bad. I sweat like a fat kid in my gear and it's pretty soaked when I am done, how is washing it any worse than wearing it?

for the record, I don't wet wash my gear, I air dry it with a fan and occasionally some fabreeze and in 3 years I've been relativly stink free.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
These methods with the shaving cream and the rubbing alcohol...how good is that for the gloves? Does it wear them out really fast?

The shaving cream with Lanolin works very well. There is an enzyme in the Lanolin that does kill bacteria. I got this from an NHL team that does it. They told me that they would leave say New Jersey and head straight for the airport to come home to the West Coast. They would get back at 3 or 4 am and the gear would be soaking wet and smelly. They would not only do this on the gloves, but, they found that it actually worked on removing the smell from their hands, thus, they washed their hands with the SC and then with soap. The shaving cream doesn't ruin your palms.

Not sure if what prenny is doing does that, but, it obviously works for him.

Also, I believe in what Jimmy has, which is the SaniSport machine. LA Kings bought one before the 03-04 season and the difference in locker room smell was night and day between their room and all of the others I visted.

Jimmy, if I may ask, where is your store and if the Esporta guy is charging $60, why not charge $30 and then sell a card (like a skate sharpening card) to net down to $20 if you buy say 5 or 6 cleanings?

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
I also don't understand why wet washing is so bad. I sweat like a fat kid in my gear and it's pretty soaked when I am done, how is washing it any worse than wearing it?

for the record, I don't wet wash my gear, I air dry it with a fan and occasionally some fabreeze and in 3 years I've been relativly stink free.

Wet washing doesn't remove the bacteria from the glove. It just washes it.

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I never knew what the specifics of lanolin did, I just always broke my baseball gloves in and ended up doing it to hockey gloves because it worked.

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All of our local rinks have the Sanisport thinger in them, I'm going to take some of my stuff there later this week. I've got a pair of XX gloves and some old Z-air elbow pads that can stop a clock. I'll let ya know how it goes.

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I just hang-dry my stuff in my storage room which is cold because its under the bleachers.  No smell at all.

Actually, that environment is good for keeping the bacteria colonies from multiplying. What's it like in the summer???

Oh, it's always cold.

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I never knew what the specifics of lanolin did, I just always broke my baseball gloves in and ended up doing it to hockey gloves because it worked.

My boy bought some of that baseball glove heat-activated conditioner crap and started to put it on his glove. He recognized it and went to the bathroom and pulled out a can of shaving cream with lanolin. Same thing. He was pissed.

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I had a hell of a time finding some shaving cream with Lanolin. Will anything do that has Lanolin in it, I know alot of after sun-burn creams have it. Is their another name for it Lanolin, or ingredients that will do the same thing? I bought some Gillette aloe & allantoin shaving cream.

I also bought sokme Oxi-clean to try.

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I just put my gloves in the dish washer, but i don't use the dry-cycle, then i just let them dry naturlly, it takes them about a day to completly dry, this method works very well: it gets the stink out of the gloves and doesn't harm them at all.

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Funk Free works great. The nozzle is adjustable from a spray for the palms to stream for the fingers.

Ya, I got some funk free the other day ago and it works great!

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