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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reasons for stick tape....

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What makes tape good for your stick besides to keep water out? Does it help dampen vibrations?Increase feel?More friction?Whats the reason that every hockey player uses it?

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for me its stickhandling and shot/pass accuracy. A couple of times I've not taped up my blade before practices because I was too lazy or just did'nt care and you can definitely feel a big difference. The puck feels like it doesn't "stick" to the blade face. Shots also didn't roll off the blade like they do with tape...probably has to do with friction. Hard to explain unless you've tried it.

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Now the thought behind taping heel to toe is to grip the puck as it rolls towards the toe on your blade for shots and passes to increases its rotation? Just something thats always made me wonder. My theory behind toe to heel would just be that it lasts longer because it isn't pulling against the grains of the tape.

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Now the thought behind taping heel to is to grip the puck as it rolls towards the toe on your blade for shots and passes to increases its rotation? Just something thats always made me wonder. My theory behind toe to heel would just be that it lasts longer.

I understand your point...Taping the toe is to have a spot on the blade where I can shoot the puck. Having the heel untape allows me to stickhandle on the spot where there is no tape. It's kind of hard to explain.

I have realized over the years that when you stickhandle with tape, it makes the puck jump when you dribble the puck.

So it's why I only tape the toe, because tape is so important for shooting...

EDITED : A thing is sure, if you're a good stickhandler, you will be good with or without tape...

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One time I was warming up for a game and every shot wit my xn10 was flying ten feet to the left of the net. I couldn't understand it. Then I realized I'd forgotten to tape my blade!

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I tape for feel on my shots, mostly wrist and snap. I like to be able to tell where the puck is on my stick and it feel solid there without looking down. I tape middle of blade to 1-1/2 inches off the toe.

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One time I was warming up for a game and every shot wit my xn10 was flying ten feet to the left of the net. I couldn't understand it. Then I realized I'd forgotten to tape my blade!

haha the same thing happened to me the other day.

the tape can also be used a target for a pass.

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Whats the reason that every hockey player uses it?

Not every hockey player uses it. I prefer playing with no tape on the blade and I know quite a few people who don't use it either. I actually think puck feel is better without the tape because you don't have an extra layer bewteen the puck and the stick.

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Whats the reason that every hockey player uses it?

Not every hockey player uses it. I prefer playing with no tape on the blade and I know quite a few people who don't use it either. I actually think puck feel is better without the tape because you don't have an extra layer bewteen the puck and the stick.

I agree with you Cheechoo. To bad I find it almost impossible to shoot and stickhandle without it. It just gets to slippery :(

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kovy , do you have a pic of how you tape your blade

I can take one. I'm gonna eat, go to my practice and take it after.

I found this pic in a previous topic you posted in Kovy_Ribs.


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kovy , do you have a pic of how you tape your blade

I can take one. I'm gonna eat, go to my practice and take it after.

I found this pic in a previous topic you posted in Kovy_Ribs.


But this is a Kovalev signed blade, that's how Kovalev tapes it. I guess if the realy kovy tapes it like this then kovy_ribs probably does too.

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Well, all I know is that Bobby Orr could stick handle better than anyone in his day and age and he only used a couple strips of tape on his stick. I think it's just PP. I use it for grip and to protect my stick's blade, normally I would tape it like Kovy_Ribs, but I wanna protect my blade so it's heel to toe, covering the toe.

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I used to use just a little tape. Similar to Kovy, but less, but once I swithced to OPS and the newer comp blades it became alot more difficult to play without tape.

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