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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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For those that work in hockey shops

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I always try a bunch of stuff on, then I go buy the same stuff online, thus wasting they're time and probably patience. haha

You're awesome. They love the support you give their businesses. <_<

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I don't work in a store, but i was in my LHS and witnessed this classic:

Soccer mom comes in w/ her son (had to be 12 or 13 at most). She's holding a SiCore and a Stealth. She goes "excuse me, i bought this for my son the other day (referring to the stealth), and it doesn't work." LOLOLOLOL

The employee goes, ummmm, what do u mnean it doesn't work? She's like well this is his old stick (holding up the brand new SiCore), and he just doesn't seem to play as good with this new one. At a loss for words, the employee takes the two and sees the stealth is a tiny bit longer, so he goes heres your problem!! this one is too long, so he cuts off the extra nub (wasn't even a half inch longer than the other stick). The soccer mom went on her way delighted w/ herself, on the way out she goes i KNEW something was wrong w/ it, i coould tell the way you were playing last game. lolololol much laughing ensued as soon as they left.

Next time i go on a cold streak i'm gonna bring all my gear back and tell them its broken :D

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I still think my funniest anecdote of someone trying to get a discount was this guy who told me that he was Jewish, which meant he could sympathize with the Black man and knows how it feels to be oppressed. NO LIE.

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I still think my funniest anecdote of someone trying to get a discount was this guy who told me that he was Jewish, which meant he could sympathize with the Black man and knows how it feels to be oppressed.  NO LIE.

Hah, that's great. We were opressed and parts of America/Europe/most every Arab country hates us, but we control all of your money and the media. Except the Germans who still have our gold. (Just kidding, Dave)

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Can anyone tell me why people say "You got time to put an edge on these?" when they want a sharpening. I always want to say no. Why cant they just say "Can you sharpen these?"?

Another one I get alot is the open skater dad that looks at the OPS and goes "Why are these sticks so much money? Arent they just made out of wood?"

After I explain to them that, no, they arent made out of wood, i usually get this response: "But look (Points to wood plug) Its made out of wood!"

The idea of a wooden extension is completely lost on them.

One that keeps on happening alot is the guy that comes in and asks for something I dont have in the shop. So after I tell hi, no, we dont carry that, he proceeds to search the store for what he is looking for. Its like dude!, im not lying to you!

People are frustrating.

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I love uys who ask for a "deep hollow" but who obviously dont know what it means, and just assume deeper hollws "go faster"

I like the "Can I have a 'D' cut on my skates?" Well yes, but we go by the hollow number, and the last 2 places you went to have different "d" cuts.

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Here's one I get all the time...

"Can you get someone to bring the nets out?"

"We don't have pucks out on the ice."

Neither of these are my problem...

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Here's one I get all the time...

"Can you get someone to bring the nets out?"

"We don't have pucks out on the ice."

Neither of these are my problem...

On a similar note:

We rent space from the rink, we have a large sign with out name above the door to the shop, I don't wear a rink "staff" jacket, yet people are constantly asking me about rink programs, costs, etc...

Take another 20 steps and ask the person at the info desk.

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