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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Family Guy question

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I know there's a lot of Family Guy buffs on here so maybe someone can help me out...

I do own both DVD sets but does anyone know which episode has the guy in the restaurant who sings what he sees? "Woman grabs the apple, takes a bite, one bite, two bite, three bite, stops..."

A friend wants a copy of that episode and I really don't have the patience to go through every episode. I tried going to www.planet-familyguy.com but can't find the reference of the episode. If you have the title, to quote Bill Lumberg "That'd be greeeeat."

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Does anyone remember which one is the million dollar man episode?

"We can rebuild him. But I don't want to spend too much"

and he goes running away with a bucket and a broom for a leg, etc.

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Fox just canned it, like they do on must of there shows. It sold so well when it came out of dvd, that they brought it back.

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sweet! I cant wait until season 4. My favourite episode is probably the one where peter becomes a knight.

tom tucker- "and now for our blackuweather forecast with Olly Williams."

olly williams- " IT'S GON RAIN!"

tom tucker- "thanks Olly."

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Peter falling over NEVER gets old. I dont think there has ever been a show were he has not fallen over, down, or through something.....

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Peter falling over NEVER gets old. I dont think there has ever been a show were he has not fallen over, down, or through something.....

Peter - "Lois, ge- get the medical dictionary and look up 'fork' and 'lung'."

Lois - "Why?"

Peter - "Time's a factor, Lois."

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Brian: Hola, me Ilamo es brian ... Nosotros caramos ir condustedes.. uhhhh ...

Bellboy(spanish): Hey, that was pretty good, except when you said "me llamo es

Brian," you don't need the "es," just me llamo Brian.

Brian: Oh, oh you speak english

Bellboy (sigh): No, just that first speech and this one explaining it.

Brian: You .... you're kidding me, right?

Bellboy(spanish): Que?

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