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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What retail pattern is this closest to?

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i would say its a mix between shanahan and modano.

but.. somehow it reminds me of chadds modano-drury mix

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It's Yzerman's. I was suprised to see such a small curve. If I had the $200+ falling out of my rear the guy wants for it on eBay, I would buy it. A bit excessive I think.

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The Roenick pro is not that open I think......... I would never have guessed Yzerman, though

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this is a bit of a shot in the dark, but i used to have a bunch of easton yashin pro stock blades, and the curve is very similar to that. if you could post a pic of the blades profile i could tell you for sure.

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thats the kind of cure i like but there aren't any that close, or are there?

what do you think it the closest to that curve?

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I can't tell from the lie on that thing but for retail patterns you should probably be looking in the direction of a Drury/Kovalev/Kovalchuk pattern if it's a 5.5 lie or a Crosby or maybe even the new Mission Ribeiro if its around a 5 lie. I haven't seen the Ribeiro myself but it's described as a small open heel which the pattern in the pic sure seems like.

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Looks more like a Modano than a Drury to me. But I can see where you guys think it looks like a Drury.

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a more straight-on shot of that would have been great.

Here it is straight on. Still looking for it's equal in retail or pro pattern. In the ballpark of Modo, but not really. yprocrop4gx.jpg]?

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a more straight-on shot of that would have been great.

Here it is straight on. Still looking for it's equal in retail or pro pattern. In the ballpark of Modo, but not really. yprocrop4gx.jpg]?


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That looks somewhat like one of my Pro Stock Khavanov sticks. Other than that Drury maybe more than Lidstrom? Lidstrom tends to have more curve in it, this is just like a plain wedge.


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i ran into paul boyer (wings equiment guy) a few years ago and asked him about yzermans stick. he said that his blade is a drury retail.

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