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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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top penalty shots

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go to nhl.com right now and theyve got a 23 minute video of the top 10 ps from 2002-03, its sweet, top 10 is the best show on the nhl network

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ya i saw that almost all the shots are pathetic. I'd already seen all of them but seeing Rechiel's and Isbister's sure brough a smile to my face. The only nice goals are Knubles which isn't bad and Zhammnov's which is a pretty nice move for a guy that scores as much as he does

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I'm sure you could do much better than those "pathetic" guys in the NHL. Dangle and deke all you want but shooting is usaully more effective.

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The conspiracy theorist in me thinks this is the NHL's way of promoting the idea of shootouts to decide regular season ties.

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That Reichel replay is unbelievable, I thought he hesitated more. I haven't even seen a replay of it before (I was at the game). I've heard Czemanic (sp?) is a Penalty Shot machine though. He'd go into shootouts cold, as the back-up, because he was perfect for that situation. Reichel also knocked Canada out of the '98 Nagano Olympics with his SO goal didn't he? Why he chose a slapshot at his chest, I'll never know.

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That Reichel replay is unbelievable, I thought he hesitated more. I haven't even seen a replay of it before (I was at the game). I've heard Czemanic (sp?) is a Penalty Shot machine though. He'd go into shootouts cold, as the back-up, because he was perfect for that situation. Reichel also knocked Canada out of the '98 Nagano Olympics with his SO goal didn't he? Why he chose a slapshot at his chest, I'll never know.

Cechmanek has a habit of dropping his blocker low on slappers, Reichel was trying to take advantage and just missed his spot.

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Yeah Bure's nasty on breakaways. My all time favorite move is a while back when he was in real deep on the goalie then all of the sudden he sort of passed the puck back off his skate back to his blade then scored. Its not that hard to do if you practice a lot (like most moves), but considering how fast of a skater he is and on a pro goalie....wow......not so sure it was a penalty shot, but still c'mon, great move

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Yeah Bure's nasty on breakaways. My all time favorite move is a while back when he was in real deep on the goalie then all of the sudden he sort of passed the puck back off his skate back to his blade then scored. Its not that hard to do if you practice a lot (like most moves), but considering how fast of a skater he is and on a pro goalie....wow......not so sure it was a penalty shot, but still c'mon, great move

He went off the outside of his left foot instead of going to the inside of his right foot. Nice move.

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