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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hefter helmet "coming soon" to thepenaltybox.com

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Good call Chadd. I guess that certainly makes sense. I thought I remember somebody saying the line was goin out...maybe I was mistaking the Externo line. That seems to make more sense.

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CCM has invested a lot into having gloves, sticks and skates under the vector name and while I would expect them to update or "refresh" the line of skates, I don't imagine they would abandon a name that has been very profitable for them. If the new Vector line doesn't sell as well, I could see it being renamed something else a few years down the road.

OR they could rename EVERY line, EVERY year, and go the Mission route, that way everything is out of date, and being whored out on the internet by the time booking orders arrive

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OR they could rename EVERY line, EVERY year, and go the Mission route, that way everything is out of date, and being whored out on the internet by the time booking orders arrive

Here here. That sucks doesn't it. Bauer and Easton are the same. At least companies like Sherwood and CCM keep a line for a few years.

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are you guys sure its not something CCM did so that they could knock out competition and just keep the patented design idea for future use?

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I don't see that helmet getting off the ground anytime soon.

CCM bought themselves a white elephant.

It's the most comfortable CAD drawing ever.

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I don't see that helmet getting off the ground anytime soon.

CCM bought themselves a white elephant.

It's the most comfortable CAD drawing ever.

what are you talking about.... According to the stand the helmet was on inside the glass box it was the most comfortable helmet at the show in vegas two years ago

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