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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Made in America Gloves

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I was at a new rink LHS in our area tonight and saw some very interesting gloves. EVERYTHING in the store was Flite, I get the impression they own the rights to the store, but these gloves didn't have a Flite marking on them. I couldn't make out the logo, 3-4 letters, started with an M. I am hopefully going to go back tommorow and take a look at them. See how they handle, maybe pick up a pair. They had a material very similar to the Eagle gloves I've seen. If anyone can help me out with any information on these let me know. I may just pick these up to dick around in with and get a little more info on if they aren't too expensive. Here's a picture of the material, and the colours seemed similar.


(picture via MoCorleone's sold Russian WC Eagles)

--> Apperantly the brand name is Made in America

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Can't think of an "M" company....hmmmm.

btw...Have you been to the new Quad yet? Great place to play...The Shop there is all Flite stuff.

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Can't think of an "M" company....hmmmm.

btw...Have you been to the new Quad yet? Great place to play...The Shop there is all Flite stuff.

Thats where I saw them. I was there the for the first time tonight. Weird as hell going to rinks now. I can't figure out what this company was, it couldn't have been Flite, but thats ALL they carry. The shop is actually very nice though, far exceeded my expectations, but I can't see them surviving on all Flite.

No website, just instore. I'm searching, but having trouble with results.

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Maybe just a Secondary product line? Marty McSorley's brother is the guy behind Flite...they are local...I'm sure they'll do fine...Hell, they've got you interested in the product already.

Ya never know...they might swing a deal to gear up the kids that play in leagues there or something....and I hear they do a great job on skate sharpenings in the Pro Shop. I'm playing Summer Hockey there, so I'm sure I'll get the chance to find out.

The only fault with that set of rinks is that there is no seating around the ice...I guess they want you in the bar...

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:) they use all of our equipment for sharpening and they aren't very good to be honest. Our stuff enables them to have square edges, but they are apperantly using deep hollows and their polish isn't very good, but thats to be expected with new guys like that. The squareness automatically puts them ahead of like 50% of the LHS in our area.

It's an interesting set-up they have with the McSorely display, I figured he had to be regional. I can't see them doing well because of all the product they have, as I understand it Flite does NOT own it, the owner just loaded up on their stuff. So he's purchased everything and as you can see they have a JUNKLOAD of all Flite stuff. I honestly hope they do well, I don't mind the Flite stuff, but its a tough sell here.

I am hoping to play ASHL in their Mens league next fall.

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:) they use all of our equipment for sharpening and they aren't very good to be honest. Our stuff enables them to have square edges, but they are apperantly using deep hollows and their polish isn't very good, but thats to be expected with new guys like that. The squareness automatically puts them ahead of like 50% of the LHS in our area.

It's an interesting set-up they have with the McSorely display, I figured he had to be regional. I can't see them doing well because of all the product they have, as I understand it Flite does NOT own it, the owner just loaded up on their stuff. So he's purchased everything and as you can see they have a JUNKLOAD of all Flite stuff. I honestly hope they do well, I don't mind the Flite stuff, but its a tough sell here.

I am hoping to play ASHL in their Mens league next fall.

Oh...like I said haven't had skates done there, but 2 guys I play with did...and they were happy with it. Mind you 10 minutes to ice time, with bad skates...I guess almost anything would seem okay.

hockeydb says Hamilton, but the McSorleys are from Caledonia (as I understand it).

I know that at least one of the ice surfaces has Flite logos on it...so there must be some kind of connection beyond just he store.

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It seems weird that they'd be all Flite. Like I said, last I heard Flite didn't "own" the store, but they could have bought it out, or made an arrangement. McSorely seems to have alot of Flyers up for mens leagues and such. I'm sure more will come out about the connection the longer they are in buisness.

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It may just be the owner really believes in the Flite product and corporate mission. We used to have a store in my area owned by former NHLer Marty Waeklyn, and he loaded up on Salming because he knew someone there and believed in it. It may not have been the best move for him, but it was his perogative as store owner, maybe same thing here

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Are they those Russian gloves that Larionov is pushing? I remember that they're very similiar, if not Eagle clones with their name and logo on them. I'm pretty sure the name is 4 or 5 letters, too. I'll check and see what I can come up with.

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It just looks like they get other companies to make them equipment and they slap their logo on it.

Edit:The helmet looks very close to an itech 95 although I wouldn't know as I haven't used one.

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I didn't know they make EFSI-Innovative OPS.

Yup, saw Brylin and Larionov with them last year when they played the Lightning in town.

Yes, it is an Itech helmet - and the goal pads are too. The gloves are Eagle, if you couldn't figure it out.

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It isn't EFSI. On the top of the cuff, as it is facing you. It big bold white Letters it was stamped "MADE IN AMERICA", and as Weird as it sounds, I think that may be where the MIA came in. The letters were very weird, almost like a mixture of japanese and Graffitti letters.

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I notcied it said made in Canada Innovative. I thought they were made in mexico? Innovative is an american company correct?


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I just looked on http://www.flitehockey.com/ and they've got some pretty nice stuff.

The prices are a little high too. Gerry wanted us to buy a ton of stuff without seeing it, unless we wanted to drive up and see it. Not really the type of service you want from a manufacturer.

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Talked to a friend today about the gloves and store. Apperantly the rink LHS is owned by Gerry, and the gloves are actually called "Made in America". Still haven't found anything on the net about them.

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