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Can an ankle injury end your career?

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I was wondering can breaking an ankle end a hockey players career?

Depends on how badly it is broken.

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I broke my leg at the ankle and dislocated it as well and I started playing hockey to rehab it. I would say unless it really really severe, no.

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It depends how severe it is. I'd imagine if you get a Garrison Hearst type on injury, then you wouldn't have the odds in your favor.

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I think it ended Pat Peek's career, if I remember well he was playing for the Caps and broke his on a tag icing, guy ran into him, almost like Sturm, I haven't heard of him since.

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What got Peake was he shattered his heels and I think he busted his femur as well. The heels never got back to normal though.

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I broke my friends ankle at practice, it snapped a growth plate and he hasn't played with it. I guess if it's severly broken you may not be able to play again, and there's always the possibility somebody may be scared to play after they've broken it.

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My dad broke both of his ankles and he has trouble running and skating now...althought he is 55...but he has had pain in the the day after any type of running, jogging, or long walks because the pins inflame the tendons/bone.

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My Dad broke his ankle ten years ago, his ankle is now totally fused. He was working on a ladder and it collapsed, he only fell about five feet but landed awkwardly. However that was ten years ago and a lot has changed since then.

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Todays skate technology is so much better than it used to be, that with a combination of rehab exercises and a custom reinforced boot many ankle injuries can end up with full "effective" recovery.

When I broke mine and tore up the ligaments and cartelage, I had a terrible time crossing "under" with my right foot on my old skates..which were relatively soft..there is still no strength in the outside of that ankle. However once I got into a stiffer boot that allowed good forward flex but had reinforced lateral support ..it was never that big an issue.

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Ankle injuries are a bitch. I sprained mine 2 years ago playing tennis and it still feels sore at times. However i didnt do any rehabs but still it's been an awful long time.

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Guest phillyfan

As stated, it depends how badly the break is. Another important factor, when in ones career the break takes place. A player such as John LeClair, it is very possible for his career to be done. Someone like Joni Pitkanen, chances are if the recovery is not rushed as with all Flyers injuries, he'll play again in the NHL.

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i had a grade 2 sprian,got some accupuncture,3weeks later i started skating lightly, 5weeks, skating hard.feels preety strong today,may never really be 100% .

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I broke my ankle about 10 years ago (before I learned to skate or play hockey). Two screws were put in, it ended up thicker than my left ankle and less flexible. I can't straighten it as much and leaning forward was slightly limited. I have problems getting both skates to fit the same, and it does affect my agility to some degree. It's not too bad, but I'm not going to break the other ankle just to even things out. ;)

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