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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove Repalming

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Just wondering about the quality of glove repalming. I know some people are better doing it than others but either way, is it really as good as the original? Is it like a car where the original paint is always best?

What are the experiences of people that have had their gloved repalmed. For reference, I have Eagle X70's.

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When I need to get my gloves repalmed, I usually take them to this old guy who has a little shop in a neighboring city. The guy does amazing work - usually just as good, if not better, then the factory work. I don't know what I'm going to do when the old man buys the farm, though...

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Northern Sports Repair (www.fixitbymail.com) does quality work. Depending on how you like your original palms repalming can feel better than the original. Depends on what kind of material you like.

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my friend got his Eagle X70i's repalmed for 50 bucks. He likes them but that might be because they are double palmed unlike the originel palm

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Northern Sports Repair (www.fixitbymail.com) does quality work. Depending on how you like your original palms repalming can feel better than the original. Depends on what kind of material you like.

They are (were?) a repair depot for Eagle so they won't have problems with your X70s.

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Is Northern Sports still in business?

I need to get my TPS HGT's repalmed.

Yes I talked to them last week. I'm planning on sending them a pair of HGT's myself.

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Just wondering. Can you get palms that are sticky. I don't know if anyone played football but when I played, they had these Neuman gloves that would help you catch a pass better because they were so sticky.

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with leather or goat palms there is a natural friction that you don't get with nash palms.

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