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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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goalie heaven

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hmmm did anyone else see from Goalie heaven that they had a pair of socks for 7.99 CAD, but a hockey ball for 8.99 CAD???? weird...hmmmm

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Little off topic, but I thought Z-Berg was an Easton guy?

As did I, last year he was a Syn-Grip guy, this year he's an SL Grip guy. That's the first thing I thought of when I saw that pic.

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hmmm did anyone else see from Goalie heaven that they had a pair of socks for 7.99 CAD, but a hockey ball for 8.99 CAD???? weird...hmmmm

Not really wierd at all. The non-pro weight socks are not that expensive as compared to pro weight. Usually the ones you see for cheap prices are the thin ones.

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Anyone notice the title and pics have a lefty stick, but the Description says right-handed. This guy needs to make up his mind.

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They do alot of copy and paste in their ebay description it is a typo I think. But they are a very good store a bit pricey but good!


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well, inno makes them, so it could be a XX painted novius

y do pros paint thier sticks to be different sticks? and didn't Hull have an ultra lite painted like a z-bubble grip?

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well, inno makes them, so it could be a XX painted novius

y do pros paint thier sticks to be different sticks? and didn't Hull have an ultra lite painted like a z-bubble grip?

Most of the time, like in Hull's case, it's an effort to promote a higher priced model.

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