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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LA Mission Pama Chupacabraz(3 times Narch Senior Gold Division Champions).

Back-Back-Back- and this summer for sure!!!

Were you guys that team in the video NHL.com put out a few weeks back. I think it was senior Gold. Pama Chupacabraz vs Team Omni maybe?

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LA Mission Pama Chupacabraz(3 times Narch Senior Gold Division Champions).

Back-Back-Back- and this summer for sure!!!

Were you guys that team in the video NHL.com put out a few weeks back. I think it was senior Gold. Pama Chupacabraz vs Team Omni maybe?

I must have totally missed that video. Is this "Team Omni" the one from St. Louis, MO? I play with Omni but didn't play in that tourney. If anyone has a video clip, send a link...I gotta see that!

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Fireballs Brussels Inline (aka FBI :D )

Senior Elite division in Belgium (our national championship has 3 divisions at senior level: 2nd, 1st and elite).

We heading to the play-offs finals. Just one more game to win this weekend B)

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Anyone know how many Nike Team Breakaways there are? Like state wise? Or are they only from one place because there are some playing near me this weekend, and I know Jackal plays so I was wondering

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