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old nike hockey commercials

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ive been looking for them forever, im talking about the one wear the goalies are talking about players and how they scored on them and then theres the one where the one goalie is making prank calls to fedorov, theres a theo fleury one, mats sundin, sergie fedorov.... They were hilarious, anyways if anybody has them or knows where to get them let me know!

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I remember one where I think it was Fedorov put one goalie out of the nhl and it showed him mowing lawns in full gear. Didn't they make posters of those too?

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old nike hockey commercials, goalie ones

Those are awesome! I have a few on a video tape of the olympics from a few years back.

My favorite was the one where the goalie robs the bank with a skate and goes to jail. His cellmate keeps asking him to let him wear his mask and then closes with him playing O' Canada on harmonica. :lol:

I remember one where I think it was Fedorov put one goalie out of the nhl and it showed him mowing lawns in full gear.

That was the Mats Sundin one. i think the Fedorov one had the goalie working in a burger joint. 'Yeah, I played in the NHL. Until Sergei Fedorov, the blonde haired Russian freak boy came along' :lol:

i remember another series that had goalies trying to sabotage Fedorov. One put shaving cream in his skates, another put a potato in his tailpipe.

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the best one was the one with the goalie as the janitor mopping the hallways of a building, making all these imaginary saves as people walked by. priceless. if anyone finds them, post it on here!

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why dont companies realize the commercials people love and keep showing them instead of the same old gay ones

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