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Black Beauty sticks/ blades

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Well the search mode did not turn too much up, so I thought I would ask.

Anyone have/ tried/ seen Black Beauty sticks/ shafts? The prices are in line with the market for an upstart company. I am up for something new, but would have to order sight unseen. Anyone?

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true lie products. one piece for kids, shaft and blades for intermediate and seniors. solid core blades (no foam) available in lies 3.5-6.0 every .5. three curves. 30 day warrenty.

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Thanks guys. They factory (if that's what it is) is only about an hour or so away from me. I can drop by with an appointment and check it out first hand. I will do so asap.

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Thanks guys. They factory (if that's what it is) is only about an hour or so away from me. I can drop by with an appointment and check it out first hand. I will do so asap.

where do you live???

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The sticks are great I think. I live in Michigan too and play for Cranbrook ( you might have heard of it ) and about half my team uses them. I dont know anyone who has not liked their stick.

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Has anyone else noticed that their toe curve actually looks like the curve is a closed one? I.E., like the top is curved more than the bottom, making it look like the exact opposite of an open face?



(obviously, must just be the way they are holding the blade in the pic)

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if you get a shaft dont get a blade, the old wooden ones bend when you shoot, and my friends comp. blade broke in about 5 minutes of his first game(possibly a defect in only his)

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Has anyone else noticed that their toe curve actually looks like the curve is a closed one? I.E., like the top is curved more than the bottom, making it look like the exact opposite of an open face?



(obviously, must just be the way they are holding the blade in the pic)

That's funny. I was playing mini-sticks with my boy last night and the little plastic stick is almost identical to the one you posted Ogie. I am able to put the mini-stick ball anywhere I want at will. I was going to post a pict and see what the MSHers thought of that curve. I will post something after I go to the factory.

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Well....in my opinions,i might be wrong...but this curve look pretty nice...it remind me the messier curve i was using 3 year ago...on a wood stick...AMAZING CURVE...i could put anywhere the puck....and with alot more strong then i do with my r2xn10!

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damn i just saw the site....(they made some updates since the last visit(was like 1 year ago...lol..)

The blade in my opinions look really nice...and nicely thin like a v110 but dam IS IT REALLY 50$US for a blade???...that really expensive...for a compagny that you dont even know their stuff...

i was considering buying one...but at this price!i will pass!

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I would never use a flat bottomed blade... there's a reason pro's use rocker in thier blades too... you can shoot in so many different positions with rocker on your blade, and you would be screwed with a blade like this. As for the shafts; please, there's tons of other shafts on the market that you can get however you want.

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Lately I've been seeing more and more Black Beauty (http://www.bbsticks.com) sticks, shafts, and blades being used, mainly by kids (their OPS's only come in a junior size). I'm wondering whether they are any good or if kids are just buying them bacuse of the graphics. Has anyone used any of their stuff?

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There was a thread on Black Beauty last week...

Black Beauty Thread

I'm using one of their shafts, seems pretty nice. It has a slight grip texture, but it's not too tacky, similar to Inno and Bauer. I haven't tried their blades (I still use wood) but they seem nice too, fairly durable, good feel, and you can heat up the blade and tweak the curve a little bit. Also, there's no foam in the center of these blades, they're solid.

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bbsticks is Al Iafrate's company, I'm sure you've heard of him!!! I have used the heel curve blade from them. It was'nt too bad. They focus on lie specific blades and the bottoms are flat to keep more blade on the ice.

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If you want a "special" stick, buy an Inno. The black beauties in my opinion are a gimmick. When professionals use a rocker on thier blade, I don't think it is a bad thing for anyone else. Unless you've used a flat bottom on a blade and like it, I don't think they would be a good idea in buying.

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Pro's have a radius for certain things, the average player isn't going to be pulling sick toe trags or taking Brett Hull one-timers. Then again we seem to hear about it all the time on here... LOL

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Its about movement. With a rocker, you'll never have 100% of the blade on the ice, but you'll be able to keep most of it on the ice and its easier to get a piece of the blade on the puck. When theres a flat bottom, you're either all or nothing. Its much more difficult to adapt to bad passed and such.

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Topics merged.

When searching use a "+" between words and/or search tthe titles only. It seems to reduce the number of items returned. Also removing common words like black and only searching on the "abnormal" words like beauty alone seem to help.

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Topics merged.

When searching use a "+" between words and/or search tthe titles only. It seems to reduce the number of items returned. Also removing common words like black and only searching on the "abnormal" words like beauty alone seem to help.

Thanks for the searching tip chadd... I've been trying to figure out how to search for things with more than one word! But it brings up all the treads with "helmet" and "hefter" for example, leaving me a ton more desired results. You might want to place this in some help file somewhere. Then again, I probally didn't read it :P

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