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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does Anyone have there own curve?

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I have some on my woodys, not brave enough to do it on a composite yet because I hear it kills durabilty. My fav custom curve was on my old Mission woodys, I'd make a Sakic with a 5 lie.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
Does anyone have there own personal custom curve and if so how did u get it?


composite and wood, not that I play enough...LOL

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I have a Crosby/Sakic curve that I made. I want to order some SOP's if I can scounge up some money that will be just like the Crosby's that I made.

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This is a longshot, but does anyone have a really old school bauer francis blade laying around? I loved that f'ed up curve and wouldn't mind churning out some.

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(It's been and long time, and I'm really bored so....)

Made my own curve a couple of times, but never really liked them enough to get them copied. First one was a fugly Jagr toe, then i made another that looked like a Smyth retail. The lies were wrong on both, go figure.

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/\ It's better than using a curve you don't like /\

A kid at my school last year's dad was a pro on the leafs and got a 12 set of vector 110's with like a 5 lie and a neutral shallow heel-mid curve. It's a little wierd, but all of the stickers aren't on it. It's just a blue stick with his name on the name area.

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Marcelo's pro-blade on hockeyoutlets says "reverse Gretzky". What is that, a complete hook since Gretz used almost no curve?

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