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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/14 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. 2 points
    Ummm... that is exactly what needs to be done because without pointing out the things that are wrong, they dont get fixed. If the current testing isnt pointing out the issues, then the new testing is needed to do just that. Then once, the problems are identified, they can be addressed, hopefully with helmets that will be safer. Years ago, many racecar drivers were being killed in accidents where they suffered from basilar skull fractures. Helmets werent the problem and further testing found that no helmet would help and that it was the decelleration of the entire head area while the body was restrained by belts, causing these fractures. After the new testing and figuring out the issue, a new device, called a HANS was developed to help slow the decelleration of the head and since that device was introduced, it has saved many, many lilves, and to my knowledge, no one has died from a basilar skull fracture while wearing the device. It goes directly to your point in that they found an issue that the current standards and tests werent accounting for. They did more testing, found the issue and fixed the problem. To sit there and say they shouldnt change or improve the testing becasue all it will do is point out the problems is absurd. That is the first step in identifying the problems and, hopefully, creating safer products.
  3. 1 point
    I suspect the VT testing protocols will go through a fair bit of tweaking. I adapted my cycles to failure testing for bicycle parts and frames from various industries, and it took a few engineering students to adpat the tests to apply correctly, but I was able to reliably test items accurately.I would hope that all were working amongst the same lines, but I am an idealist. But the "fresh eyes" approach seems like it would make everybody better.
  4. 1 point
    Got my first skate in on these last night. Feel pretty good so far. It will be nice once the boot breaks in a little more. Skates felt fast. Wheels felt a little slick but I don't know if that's due to the hardness change or just new wheels that need a skate or two to break in. I definitely felt like it was easier to go fast
  5. 1 point
    I finally got to try my new Mako 2 skates out twice so far. Once on Sunday in a game and it didn't go so well. There was a problem with the sharpening, the edges on both skates were uneven. So I couldn't skate properly and felt unsure on my feet. On a good note I never had a problem adjusting to the pitch of them as I'm coming from Graf 707's. I got size 10.5EE and the sizing was perfect. The skates did feel comfortable except for after the game I noticed I had 2 cuts or scrapes on my left ankle, one on the outside and the other in the front where your tongue sits. So this isn't good as I remember people complaining about getting them with the original Makos. After getting my skates resharpen and fixing the edge problem I had my 2nd skate on Tuesday and it was just pickup. I noticed right away skating around in warm-up that my skates felt normal like my old ones and I could turn without problems. So I felt really confident on them the whole time I was skating. I did find that I was a little quicker out there then my old skates cause maybe of the more forward pitch, but like I said I should be used to it coming from the Grafs. I'm not sure about the skate liner as I wear barefeet and my feet sweat a lot so I think this could be a slippage problem. I might have to start wearing a thin skate sock to help with this. I also noticed my top of the ankles were hurting a bit when turning from the side of the skates digging into them. I like to have my top few eyelets nice and tight so this could be causing this. I also noticed some more small scraps or cuts on my right ankle this time that didnt happened after the first skate. Now I have them on both ankles which I'm not happy about. I put bandages on my left ankle before playing but that really didn't help much. I'm thinking about buying some sleeves to wear around my ankles so any suggestions would be helpful. I was going to try some Tensor sleeves I have first, but they are kinda thick so I don't think this is going to be a solution. However I still do like the skate so far but obviously don't like having cuts on my ankles. If this goes away after getting them properly worked in then no biggee. Yes I got them heated up at the store where I bought them. Just thinking now that this shouldn't be happening as I thought Easton fixed these problems. I was going to buy them for my daughter in the fall, so hopefully these problems can work themselves out.
  6. 1 point
    I finally ordered mine. I can't wait!
  7. 1 point
    I'm just curious: anyone that has replied to this post, have you had a concussion occur while playing hockey? I will easily admit I have and the longer I continue to play, the less it takes in terms of "getting hit" to sustain the effects of another one. The research and the results will be far apart long before they make a difference in the marketplace in my opinion.

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