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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/14 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Debated putting this one up here from this past weekend... but I am damn proud of this so, yeah. Hell yeah.
  2. 2 points
    Here it is. My hand-built relic. I've been working on it for upwards of two months now. Cost me about 1400 to build and paint, all genuine Fender hardware, Body from Warmoth and a Neck from a luthier friend. AAA Flamed Maple, Gorgeously grained Alder, and Rosewood fingerboard (I believe it's Madagascar). The pickups are hand-wound by yours-truly. Nitrocellulose paint stripped and relic'd. It's a replica of the John Cruz-Masterbuilt Stratocaster that John Mayer owns, with a few personal touches. Fender Waterslide Decals and a Fender Custom Shop neckplate I found at a pawnshop. It sounds absolutely gorgeous. And the flame maple is to die for. Completely iridescent.
  3. 1 point
    Let's lighten the mood, eh? Did another mod/build for an uncle of mine - he was looking to get into guitar and wanted to spend 300 dollars on a guitar he wasn't gonna be happy with. Was an SRV lover for years (The guy's in his 50s) so I decided to piece together an SRV Strat without the relicwork. Cost me about 150 in parts. CNC'd a Fender body out of Ash at my bud's luthier shop, and picked up a Squier Bullet neck for a tenner off his bud. Gorgeous sounding beginner guitar, with handwound (my work) CS69-spec pickups in there. For 150 bucks, it's quite the beaut. I'm also midway through a Stratocaster Relic Build at the moment. Stay tuned! _____________________________ Currently in my collection: 2012 John Mayer Stratocaster in Monterey Pop finish Blueridge BR-143 2010 Martin OMJM 1997 Gibson Lucille 2010 Gibson Les Paul Traditional

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