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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    i forgot to mention that couldnt have asked for a nicer team to sub for, at the end of the game they hand out a momento (like what many nhl and minor league teams do) to the most deserving player for that game and they gave it to me! theirs was a rad WWF championship belt, I was touched that they did that for me, they were also saying how they couldnt tell that I was playing my first game ever as a goalie! What a great very first game in goal it was!
  2. 2 points
    i popped my beer league cherry this afternoon! we lost 5-2, but i can honestly say that 3 werent entirely my fault. gave up one in the first on a 2 on 1, it was the fourth shot of the game. the second i gave up 4, yikes.the second goal i had under my glove, trapped on the ice and the forward shoved at it and poked it in...D was nowhere to be found. 3rd one was on me, a two on one that i read well but didnt get my blocker over in time, 4th goal was a bad 5-hole, my stick was on the ice but i must have slightly lifted it. 5th and final goal was a rebound that came ofd the end boards and no D was there to tie up the guy in the slot and he got his stick on it and chipped it over my shoulder. I held them scoreless in the 3rd though! Even stuffed a breakaway, below is a link to a video of the breakaway! All in all I had a blast, it was lower level but the other team had some sandbaggers. I was nervous all day but once I took warmups the jitters went away! Cant wait til my clinic on Monday and Wednesday night! https://instagram.com/p/2M6kiruoTw/ one more link in case the instagram one didn't work: https://www.facebook.com/bret.davidson/videos/vb.720394257/10153428724084258/?type=2&theater&notif_t=like
  3. 2 points
    Ran a 2:12 800m today, no clue how I did it. That got me 3rd place
  4. 1 point
    Thanks OR! My wife took a lot of video again so I have watched and taken note of where I can improve. Just saw the scoresheet for the game and I faced 29 shots.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    I added "goaltending" to my hockey "abilities" about a year ago. If it helps you, I can outline what I went through. I've always played out (except for a few fill-in games in pee-wee), but I've always wanted to play in goal. Unfortunately, the costs associated with playing in net was prohibitive. Fast forward more than 10 years, and after working for a while full-time, I was given the opportunity to do what I always wanted to try. My team's goalie was trying to get rid of old Vaughn V2 pads that he was sitting on for a year after upgrading. We were similar in stature, so I figured all of the equipment would fit (he gave me pads, pants, c/a, and gloves). It was a little while after that where I learned that fit is everything with goaltending gear. I bought the rest of my stuff (helmet, skates, jock, misc. accessories, stick) shortly after receiving the main items. I bought skates used and they didn't work out, so I flipped them right away. Everything else, now including skates, I bought brand new. I made sure that the skates and helmet fit. This is very important because if your feet hurt when playing, nothing makes you want to quit playing faster. And it goes without saying what the importance of a proper-fitting helmet is to your general health. My first few skates were pretty miserable- almost to the point of thinking of selling everything at a small loss. But wanting to really make sure I wanted to do this, I kept at it and really worked on things like positioning and slides. I was (and still do from time to time) getting torched due to bad angles. But the constant learner in me wanted to keep working at it to get better. In the months to follow, I played with the equipment and learned what I wanted in a set. Being a fairly good skater, the transition from player to goalie skates was very minimal (I can easily switch between the two nowadays). My biggest issue were pads that were an inch too big. I eventually replaced my c/a (it was an older pro model that was a tad small), gloves (the old ones were beyond stinky). and now pads (I have a custom pair of CCMs coming my way in the coming weeks). I love playing in goal, hence my increased commitment dollar-wise to the rest of my equipment. I'm actually trying to ramp down my player-time and trying to latch onto teams still looking for a consistent goalie. TL;DR version: If you really want to try out the position, there's no better place to start than to look for some equipment. If you can score some used equipment, it's a great cheap gateway into the position. But make sure everything fits before committing your hard-earned cash. in some cases, buying brand new is a better way to go (think skates, jock and helmet). Like stated above, the things I'd invest the most money on (to make sure they fit properly) are: HelmetSkatesJockKnee protection/pads/guardsC/A (look specifically for good heart protection but most modern units are very beefy in that area. Another thing to note is the neckline and how low it sits. If it sits low, you'll likely need a throat guard to add to the protection in the area).The rest of the stuff like leg pads, gloves, pants, accessories are all personal preference. I went through a few iterations of gear setups to figure out exactly what I wanted in a set. It's a really tough position to play. Play for at least a dozen or so times to see if you want to stick with it. If you do, then you can start looking to fine-tune your gear to cater to your strengths. If you can't swing lessons (which I think are a great idea as it gives you a solid foundation to build upon), then there are a million youtube videos (for a good starter/primer, search up "Wogtech") to help you out. But remember that you need to practice these movements before you can be proficient with them, so you'll also need to find adequate ice time to do so. Good luck with the journey. Feel free to post back with any questions and, as you can already tell, a lot of us would be happy to help.
  7. 1 point
    I'd start from the ground up.. get some skates.. hit some open skates and get used to the way they feel. Some people say switching from player to goal skates is a huge transition... but I've done it from one game to the game right after, and I never had any issues. Then work your way up with some good leg pads, and again, just take some time to get used to them, and skating with them on your legs. It's going to take some time to get used to the positioning, and playing/skating style, but stick with it. Watch some youtube vids, and a lot of nhl games and just focus on the goalies and how they position themselves in different situations etc. If you have the time and $ to take in a goalie camp, they'll be a great help too. When you feel ready, go find a laid back drop in somewhere, and just get a feel for it, and slowly work your way into it. Also, invest in some knee braces. The new style butterfly pads aren't very friendly on old knees.

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