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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/15 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    wags- AWESOME first post. Your wisdom is something that needs to be here to boost some confidence. I am back and posting in this thread because at nearly 43 years young, I am a beginning goalie. First off, I will not even pretend that I am going to be any good. If I end up with a 5.00 GAA by the time I have done this for a few years, I will be quite chuffed! I decided to start goal because I like the cool gear. Actually, it is because I have finally amassed the funds to buy the gear. In shinny, we will NEVER have good D-men. Even the good D-men have decided they want to try and do their best T.J. Oshie and treat shinny like a shoot out! Marty McDangles always tries to dangle everyone and the hapless, lesser-skilled players end up as the D-men (if they even know how to skate backwards). Furthermore, everybody pinches in too far in the zone and the one bloke who can skate cherry picks the break away. Gets mighty frustrating as a goalie... I will always give this advice as a beginning goalie to other beginner goalies: remember that DESPITE the fact you are letting in what you call a "soft goal", you have the TESTICULAR FORTITUDE to play goal. The D-men that should be wearing orange to signify their pylonitude DON'T HAVE THE BALLS to be goalies, let alone block shots or stand their ground at the blue line. Stand proud, and as wags sez: COUNT YOUR SAVES!!!! bunnyman out.
  2. 1 point
    This is the first week I've not played hockey since last November. I'm bummed. It's gonna be a long 90 days.
  3. 1 point
    Dude, I swear your defense is worthless. They are basically cones with sticks that just stand there and watch the play go by, especially #33 (does he ever keep two hands on his stick?). Goal 2, 2 on 1, goal 3, 2 on 0...goal 7, guy was wide open backdoor. Looks like on goal 9 you were just flat footed at the edge of your crease, might have been easier to challenge a little more then back up as he came in so you had momentum to b'fly slide? Nice read at 7:10 on that 2 on 0! LMFAO at #88, he let the pass get through and then once it did he stood there and watched the play, he should be pissed at himself. Goal 16, homie had 3 whacks at it ALL ALONE!!! How many saves do you have to make before a d'man pulls his head out of his arse and gets on the guy?!?! 11:40, where the hell is your team??!?! 2 opponents wide open in front of you with no one in site!! Great save right there man! Wow, goal 18, #33 just backed all the way up into you pretty much. On that one maybe you could have challenged the shooter a bit more by coming-out further? How many SOG is your team putting up?
  4. 1 point
    Our "Not-so-Elite" team from a C-level tourney in May. First tourney for four of our players, first coed for 3 of the gals, too. Another from an intermediate level tourney this past weekend: We placed 3rd. I had 2 goals, 3 assists, no penalty minutes! ;)
  5. 1 point
    Yes, those are wheel covers. It's actually the picture from the ad. Had a much better shine to it when I picked it up. I've been, historically, pretty easy on vehicles. Bought a '98 Neon in '99, drove that to 192,000km when I bought my truck in '06 with 102k on it...traded that for this. Truck had 234k and was starting to rust a bit. This had 251km when I drove it off the lots...so if I get it to 200,000+km It won't owe me much by then.
  6. 1 point
    Picked up my new ride yesterday. 2015 Ford Escape. First time I've ever owned a brand new car (only 251km on it at delivery). Pretty psyched.

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