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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/15 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    or.. one could subscribe to the old addage, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." ;) Also, I just bought him his first pair of Junior skates. Went from paying $150 for the last year's top of the line to paying $250 for last year's top of the line. Custom VHs is a much more substantial investment, epecially when he likes what he's in. When I considered Makos for him, it was the M8 option. Heck, does VH even have a junior skate? It would be a tough pill to swallow to shell out $800 for a skate that might only be used for 1 yr or less.
  2. 1 point
    Since this seems to have gotten off track a bit, I'll defend my son, then let it go. I made a glib statement for humor's sake, not wanting to elaborate too much. So, here goes, ...as for function and all that goes with it, for him, that is the number 1 consideration. I mentioned I held off on trying to have him switch to Makos because of shots, but his skating is exceptional in Vapors and I know he would be very reticent to potentially mess that up. Function is #1 to him and what contributes to that is most important. So, with the shot blockers, I was being a bit glib, but they are a tough sell because they are preventative. What 10 yr old or 11, or 12, etc... believes he is going to be hurt by a shot on the foot. Once he starts taking them to the foot more regularly and they are hard enough to get his attention, then maybe an easier sell. The other part of it though is, I'm sure he would be concerned, in fact, I know he would, about putting anything on his skate that will potentially make him slower or mess up mechanics. Whether or not it would, it doesn't matter if he thinks it would. So, again, that would be a tough part of the sell at this point. I'm sure if he's playing JRs in 8-10 years and taking slapshots to the foot every game, shot blockers may be an attractive option. Heck, next year they're taking slap shots and some of them are pretty good, so, maybe it will be that soon. He's a level headed kid who doesn't want to look like a dork, but is primarily concerned with playing welll and what will specifcally help that.
  3. 1 point
    Pretty sure that worrying about looking "cool" has been a fundamental part of growing up for ages regardless of what parents do.
  4. 1 point
    probably the same with anyone here, bend your knees. don't be afraid of fall. wearing a knee pads might give you more confidence. again, look for how to skating video, and compare it with your posture. and for stopping, you might want to try shallower sharpening if its too grippy.

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