With my TF9 inline conversions, I was HARD on the cap before baking, more than feathering after baking with the luggage wrap and even after a second bake, but after 10 hours of skating I was just brushing. So, based on what you've said, if I were you, I would try the 6.5 TF9s and try to skate as much as possible in the next 3 weeks and then decide. As long as the store honors the 30 day satisfaction guarantee, there's really no risk for you. If the size 7 was already feeling too roomy in the forefoot, that won't get better with use.
It's interesting that the Catalyst forefoot and toe area felt narrower. That's not really what I wanted to hear as the TF9 in W is just barely wide enough for my wide forefeet, but it's good to know.