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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/22 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Using data. 1/1 - Current : Right: 814 sales 1/1 - Current : Left: 425 sales Keep in mind, every area is different though. In WA it was 3:2, In NV its been closer to 2:1
  2. 1 point
    To my understanding, ( I used to work for a sporting goods company that sold entry level and the lower end models of hockey equipment ), the percentage of left vs right is now like 60/40 with left being the more dominant stick usage now. Curious what PBH sees though.
  3. 1 point
    Yup yup. 67 flex intermediate sticks were way too flexy and never felt right. 75 flex seniors stick felt way too stiff after cutting. Being able to get a senior in a 70 flex was perfect. Switching to the proper flex and a pattern that better suited my playing style and ability was one of the better things I have done. I would say, certain parts of the US. The stick market in the north east is brutal right now. Right now, I couldn't walk into a shop and buy a stick. I tried online and there is nothing available in my specs. Luckily I picked up a second FT3 when they went on clearance. In all honesty, a two year lifecycle is a little short....three seems about right to me. If you can plan it right you can release a new twig every year,
  4. 1 point
    The issue is that it’s really hard in any industry to conjure up significant innovation on a yearly release cycle (it’s really more like 10 months when you factor in holidays, shipping lead time, et al). Most of the improvements are incremental to non existent at best and of course there are the anecdotes of NHL players like P. Kane using a 13 year old O33 Total One build muddying the waters further. That said - I do like what Bauer is doing in releasing stuff like the Sling, ADVs, etc in parallel to their standard lines, or the ODIN project from a few years back (as cheesy as some of those releases and concepts might be). The “think big” type work that looks 3-5-7 years out in conjunction with the annual releases to please the masses (and slowly integrating some of that future tech into the main lines) seems to be a logical approach to me. All that said - the biggest improvement in stick tech by far in the last few years has been the recoil on lower flex sticks (in my case a senior 70). They used to just lag and fold on me like a pool noodle up until around the Trigger 2 vintage when shooting or battling for loose pucks - but now they recoil and kick like a performance hunting bow which has led to real improvements in quick release power and velocity. @stick9 @psulion22 have had similar experiences and maybe want to chime in.
  5. 1 point
    I remain eternally baffled by the sheer number of people who respond to a question on the internet they don't know the answer to.
  6. 1 point
    Boys...chill...it's not an all or nothing scenario. You can still progress in medical technology, transportation, agriculture, etc. and not release a new hockey stick every ten minutes (that's hyperbole lest anyone be tempted get there breeders in a wad). And true...we may look back in history someday and realize how the CCM Trigger 45 and Bauer HyperQuadraMicro-Lite (coming June 2024) brought peace, harmony, and a foolproof COVID vaccine to the world. But...also...maybe not. And can we maybe discuss it without calling each other names? Hockey players are already different animals so...we could be the first people who do that.

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