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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/23 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    What is your foot type? What’s wonky about your feet? I didn’t see you added felt. Where did you add it and what for? A lot of questions, I know… I’m a Graf nerd of sorts, have a collection of 701, 501, 707 and 703 all in size 10 (gave up on G35x because their Graf-CA build and design quality was dreadful). Where this might be relevant to you: I’ve been on the fence with my 703s because they’re much more snug than the others and the heel padding felt too low the first time out…like they were causing the skates to tip side to side like crazy. After giving them a couple more chances I’m wondering if they’re not actually going to fit perfectly after a few more hours of ice. Right now they have less than 5 hours on them. The heel padding feels amazing now, my big toes are just about 1mm too jammed… All that to say, if that heel padding isn’t lining up right it might only be a matter of time before it takes a set to your bone structure and the heel fit is right as it should be.
  2. 1 point
    I've seen ultra high on Amazon but I'm using amazon.ca. But not sure if you want like 200+ kg/m3 or if this 85 kg/3 is sufficient. I haven't actually purchased this but I've favorited in the event I need it in the future. EVA Foam Cosplay - 1mm (1mm to 10mm) - Black or White - 14" x 39" Sheet - Ultra High Density 85 kg/m3 - by The Foamory https://a.co/d/5suEHSx
  3. 1 point
    You try speedplates. The first generation (if you can find them). They are thin and mold to your feet. Alternatively if you don't require any arch or heel support you can just cut out a thin 1-2mm high density Eva foam. Stock footbeds essentially are just foam with no orthopedic support anyways.
  4. 1 point
    735 pro. It's not for my foot type. But I heat gun the darn thing so it kinda works, and already sunk too much coins for this(since I always wanted a black leather look with cobra holder). But, if it could have a thinner footbed, it be perfect. And because I have wonky feet. I adde the felt insert at the bottom, which raises the footbed abit. Hence the search for thin stuff.
  5. 1 point
    outside of finding someone who recently bought new and would part with the original footbeds, these may be the thinnest you'll find aftermarket https://www.purehockey.com/product/elite-hockey-pro-hockey-skate-insoles/itm/28243-2/
  6. 1 point
    Ooops, I edited the title! Thanks !!!
  7. 1 point
    Howdy, Dang dude, that sounds pretty intense. I've got a 'clean up' shoulder surgery scheduled in a couple weeks to address some tearing in the rotator cuff and a bicep tendon issue, but your procedure sounds WAY worse. Reffing is definitely a nice way to stay involved and skate and such. And while its still hockey and very occasionally you'll get run into, have a puck dumped into you, or just manage to fall on your own it for sure happens way less than playing. For my procedure they're saying that I'll be in a sling for 4 to 6 weeks, then 2 to 4 months of rehab after that. I'm hoping that I can at least get back out there reffing once I'm out of the sling! Good luck with your recovery! Mark
  8. 1 point
    Here's a couple shots of the Barkov. It's been a long time since I've seen a Darby in person, but there is definitely some loft at the heel on the Barkov, and overall pretty straight through the first 2/3rds of the blade, then a small hook at the end. The only thing I'm not crazy about is the huge rocker, which you can see in the 2nd pic. I've also included shots of the McDavid, Pro Malkin, and Backstrom curves. https://imgur.com/a/BBOW4FE

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