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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. These look pretty exciting. I was afraid they were going to change a lot of things I love about my MLX. So far, it only looks like the adjustable holder went by the wayside. If they offer more volume, and if the heel pocket remains deep, they'll be unbelievable. Krev (I think) mentioned the absence of negative space in the MLX. He wasn't kidding - I can't wear a different sock in mine than the one I was wearing at the time of baking without noticing. The Haglund bumps I was developing before switching to MLX completely went away very quickly when I started wearing them. These deserve a serious look by everybody.
  2. My thoughts after a couple weeks on ZC: You have to be good on your edges They expose any weakness in your skating [*}They are fast They are compliant if you trust them FYI, skating on Step Steel on Graf G7, ZC2 (thinking of trying ZC1.
  3. Can we get rid of these toll plazas on the Garden State Pkwy?
  4. Helmet: Cascade M11 (Silver shell/white vents) Shoulders: Farrell Elbows: Vapor XXV (also like Easton S17) Gloves: Easton S11 (Sande "The Show" next) Pants: Mission NME-Nine (Sande "The Show" next) Shins: RBK 6K Skates: Graf 703 (seriously considering G7) Sticks: Bauer One 75 wood (Malkin curve); Sherwood 7000 (PP10) Bags: Shock Doctor for drying, Gear for transport
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