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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ironslave

  1. why? The blades are more secure than Bauer's
  2. Question for the hive. I just got a pair of Cat 7's. Love the boot, but I feel I am pitched too far forward. Coming from Bauer One100's with a 1.5mm heel lift on LS2 (which I loved), and the True's feel quite a bit more forward, where it feels like I am falling forward with skating backwards. Wondering what people would recommend to achieve a similar pitch? Should I put a 1.5-3mm shim on the toe of the Shift Max? Or, should I just put on the LS 2's on the Cat 7's? (which would mean drilling the boot, and drilling the sole as well to get access to the holder, if a blade needs changing).
  3. Still can't shake this holder and steel :)
  4. was wondering if anyone could help me, I am looking to remove my step steel from my CCM Speedblade 4.0 holder. I cannot for the life of me get the steel to come out. The original runners popped right out when I unscrewed the bolts and gave it a pull, but the Step fits so much more snug, it isn't moving at all :/
  5. Thanks to Jeff Potter in Toronto for fitting me in these, I have pretty disastrous feet and have not really had a good fitting skate and Jeff measured me, tried on a bunch of pairs (never pushing the top of the line pairs), Also to JR for giving me Jeff's email a while ago. Was my choice to swap the holders for Pitch and they fit perfectly without a need to re-drill. Have not worn these yet but looking forward to trying them out. Next step is to get a custom skate orthodic.
  6. Helmet: Easton S-19 Z-shock Shoulders- Brine Rhinoskin Elbows: Warrior Nation Flex Gloves: Reebok 10k Pants: Mission Thorax Flow girdle Shins: Easton Stealth S7 Skates: Bauer One100 Stick: Harrow shaft/blade Jock: Nutty Buddy
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