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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Hradsky

  1. He probably had his head down and didn't notice the two guys until after he made the move on the last d-man. By that time he may as well carry it but one of the two guys should've gone with him to make a 2 on 0.
  2. You trying to catch up to Dupes? :P
  3. Well they're obviously playing it safe when they say 24 hours. Usually it's fine just a few/several hours after you bake especially if they were in a good cooling down environment.
  4. A lot of people here have a crazy amount of sticks (And by crazy I mean they can use a different stick for each game of the season if they wanted to). I myself had 24 sticks at one point.
  5. Awesome guy! Very trusted. Highly recommend to anyone.

  6. Stop listing them and then ending the auction early!
  7. Digging those black eagles! Haven't posted here in ages, here is what my collection has grown to. Decided to take a pic before some gets sold off. From left to right: One95 Shaft, Warrior Dolomite DD Dragons x3, Easton S19 x6, CCM U+ CL Tavares edition x3, CCM U+ CL x3, Warrior AK27 x2, X:60 LE, Malkin One90, Warrior Kronik and Duchene 10K Total: 21 sticks X:60, One100, S15, S17. Another pair of S17s on the way Dug this thing out of the closet, thought it was pretty cool.
  8. Subscribe to this to keep updated with what I'm doing!

    1. Hradsky


      Nearing 1337 profile views, bro!

  9. Nice find, what are snipe programs though? I've heard of them but I don't understand the purpose. Why don't you just wait till the last few seconds and use the 1-click bid to put the highest possible price you would want to pay and if you get it, it's all good, and if not, you didn't want to pay more anyways?
  10. I snatched two of them on eBay for $120, a absolute bargain...Although they weren't that great (with all the new sticks out) they were very pretty. And they were a lot more than 430g, they always just put the weight with the smallest flex/curve and without paint probably.
  11. How much did they want for it though? Like $150?
  12. Same, which one are you getting? I'm thinking of the Brashears (ovi clone) but they don't look as Ovi-licious as the CL I have. Other than that I usually stick with PM9s and the only one there is 100 flex, yikes!
  13. What's the curve on that like?
  14. I think the point is that many people would be grateful to be good enough to be able to compete at that level, even Junior B.
  15. What is wax even for? Is it supposed to give you grip or something?
  16. That's a Afinaganov Dynamo jersey
  17. You would hope for some respect between hockey players at least. People do all kinds of stuff just to get some money these days.
  18. Dolos look nice. AK-27s took a serious hit in the paint job department though :(
  19. Dude, all the gloves going around were probably yours at one point :P
  20. We need a "The Facepalm Spot".
  21. And here I thought my family was the only one who didn't use air conditioning. At least you have a fan, I had to go lay on the floor underneath my window. Will probably have to do this 3 more times as we should be getting under the 30 degree mark on Friday.
  22. Lol I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not :P
  23. Those Maine 4-Rolls are looking as good as ever ;)
  24. Damn, MSH has a lot of good hockey players.
  25. HOT. Those are custom right? If not, hook me up!
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