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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by flaming_june

  1. mack, i assume thats shipping company's fault? any subsequent complaints to them?? very proud of my new investment: mid flex ccm v130 tapered shaft, replacing my old wartorn easton tflex. they are senior length (85 flex) and was on sale for 100 cdn at the hockey shop in surrey, bc, canada if anyone's interested. they are also lighter than the dolomite (which was what i was there to buy in the first place)
  2. to make it .008 grams lighter because thats the difference between you putting the puck in the back of the net and not putting the puck in the back of the net. that weight differences can mean a huge boost in confidence to shoot the puck more.
  3. oh no... you didn't make it a taper shaft...
  4. Check your local rules because in some leagues it's illegal to remove them. i've already removed the ear guards, first thing i did. i was talking about the clear plastic peice that the two screws go in near top of the helmet on each side, these two screws are responsable for adjusting the length of the helmet. right underneath the screws theres a small plastic piece that isn't there for pro stock helmets, but its on all retails. im wondering if theres anyway to remove it, because its special screw hole concavity shape may pose a problem.
  5. i just got it too, i have a pro stock itech visor on it. can that clear peice on the sides be taken off? btw they're lie 5
  6. custom sherwood taper woody's. got them a while ago, pretty good feel and shot
  7. UR STILL using those sande's i sold you looooon gtime ago?? hows the palm holding up?
  8. in vancouver canada, just won a cup <= )
  9. that pasadena isn't a rink, its a half rink, still had much fun there when i was playing there and ontario and disneyice in LA
  10. those are pretty good pics, but i think mine beats it all
  11. you mean the national treasury
  12. comon, more pix of that zero g please are the curves on those nike woodies consistent?
  13. take it easy with the sticks eh... thats a lot of expensive lumber
  14. why does that vector have a woodblade? wow.. a lot of nike stuff..
  15. it seems everybody's got an SL or something compsite. am i the only person who is using sher-woody's here? where do you ppl get all your money to by those expesnive sticks...
  16. ice level, source for sports in richmond, canada did the chassis swap on those easton airs. they did a great job on the holders. it was 120 cdn. those sherwood 5030sop's costed an arm and a leg. they were 40 cdn each plus tax, min order was 12. great sticks, stiff blade. oh yes, they were from my lhs, ice level again..
  17. Wrong usage word - Custom..as in..me ordering directly from the factory..not me going to my LHS and getting them to order for me. speaking of custom vectors... i would be reluctant, but if you really need the gloves i would sell, since i have my morrisons right now.
  18. custom sherwood sop5030, rh, modified chelios curve, aka my "baby"
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